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I have gone through the tutorials and some discussions but was not able to find out how to select the images like in Microsoft PictureIt where by selecting an area, one boundry line is generated which differentiates two different colours. One can go on selecting small areas unless you have whole picture selected. This is pretty good method because one is able to differentiate for example very thin areas like hairs too! Can anyone help me out here?


Not exactly... I have used magic wand often. It is naturally nice to select the colours and therefore the area. But it is not possible to make a border line. I have gone through one tut Cutting out images the easy way! Version 2. from Tendercrisp, but it is not exactly that I want. His way is too tedious! Have you worked with PictureIt..? I dont know remember the name of that tool that i talk about!


Here is one example where I used Magic Wand to cut (select) the two images. It was not easy because the colours were at some parts too similar. I was no doubt able to make use of Magic wand, but it was a tedious job. Moreover there are some parts where it is not 100% perfect.00000001.jpg


If I see what you mean correctly, the feature you're asking for MIGHT be in the forth version of the program, which is still in planning stage.

At least I'm pretty sure the selection system will stay the same in v3.x

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio


I haven't used PictureIt so I'm not understanding what you mean by a borderline. The magic wand can be used to select multi-colored images by adjusting the strength of the wand and holding ctrl to maintain multiple selections.


Yes... i just found out the name. It is called Edge finder. You go on selecting the area piece by piece, and in each piece of your selection, it marks the border based on the colour variation. One achieve pretty good results if at complicated areas one magnifies the image and makes the selection. The good thing is that it is continious meaning you don't press the Ctrl button. BUT i have not used the PictureIt since i have found paint.net :-)

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