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C# Basics please help.

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OK, So, BoltBait and Drakaan talked me into trying to learn C# http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2618 Read that link if you are interested in reading the arguments as to why I should learn it.

I am having some trouble. For instance, looking at some people's code snippets and trying to decypher what they do. I figure, having some understanding of C, C++ and VB (not a pro at either, but, I know enough to figure out what code is supposed to do what), that I should be alright with the C# stuff.

Blow my mind away. Looking at some code samples found around the web, I had noticed a couple of people claiming that something was C# that clearly is not... for instance I started seeing some include statements for stdio.h and windows.h

Ok, so, from what I understand anything .h is a header file (I'm used to working with them to an extent), used only in C and C++ NOT C# right?

C# uses a different syntax... for this to begin with...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

So, now, you are wondering what I need help with... lol..

I need to understand if the above code "using system", is the logical equivilant to useing the include headers in C and C++ and if so, where do I find these "headers", for C#, and how would I find more.

I don't expect anyone to sit and type out a long answer to this question, (unless you want to), but, even a link that would be a good place to look this up would be great.

I have googled, I have found some tutorials which were supposed to be beginner tutorials on C#, however, they are all just "here's some code, test it out, see what it does" type things, and I really would prefer to know what I am doing rather than just know what they are doing.

The biggest reason for this questioning is because, I used to always import my .h to my projects with vc++ to make sure that they were in the same location, and here, I don't know if I need to do a similar step with C# or where to begin with finding those files or whatever.

Any help at all, would be great.

My biggest reason as of now, for wanting to learn C# is for plugin building for PDN...



When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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Good, I don't feel as dumb as I did when I wrote this then... :-) Woot woot. :-)

Can't find the C# book I bought a while back, I probably loaned it to someone, trip to Barnes and Nobles coming soon I bet... LOL..

Thanks again Bolt for all your help.


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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