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Percent number on the titlebar of Paint.NET

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I searched for an answer to this question and read over 1500 topics but could find no answer.

What does that Percentage on the titlebar of Paint.NET stand for? I do notice that the lower that number is the slower the program. Normally it is in the 95% range but tonight it seems to be running below 15%. What can be done to increase this number and the speed of the program?

Thanks for any information you may share with me.


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That percentage value represents the zoom level of the current canvas. when you open an image it will default to a percentage that will allow you to see the entire canvas in your screen.

It doesn't really have any effect on the performance of PdN.


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Boy do I feel like a nube! That makes perfect sense, though. I also see how it would slow down the program. When applying the freeform shape and then filling it in -- when my titlebar said 12% -- the shape and fill area in reality were Huge in comparison to what I was seeing. Hense a very slow sense of completion.

Thanks for your responses!


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