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"Detect" ? The effect system in Paint.NET is not designed to be useful for image analysis...

But it's not difficult to do. Assuming you have a place to output text, all you need to do is get the last bit of each byte of a pixel's color, (eg, yellow (ffff00) would yield 110 from 11111111 11111111 00000000 and place it into a string of bits and then convert that to text and output it.

If I knew how CodeLab deals with color values/debug text I'd write it myself.

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Well, if it's not difficult to do, then go ahead ;)

What you describe is simply one stenographic algorithm. I'm sure BoltBait or one of the other CodeLab gurus would be able to quickly implement this.

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Well, if it's not difficult to do, then go ahead ;)

What you describe is simply one stenographic algorithm. I'm sure BoltBait or one of the other CodeLab gurus would be able to quickly implement this.

OK, I'm on it!

I played around with CodeLab today and came up with a decent algorithm. I'll publish something in the next day or so... Hang tight. 8)

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Well, if it's not difficult to do, then go ahead ;)

What you describe is simply one stenographic algorithm. I'm sure BoltBait or one of the other CodeLab gurus would be able to quickly implement this.

OK, I'm on it!

I played around with CodeLab today and came up with a decent algorithm. I'll publish something in the next day or so... Hang tight. 8)

...could it be a subject for your "How to Write an Effect Plugin (Part 3 of 3 - Advanced)"?

I'm not on it because:

1. I don't know (yet) how to read/write files. I think we need it here!

2. If you create such plugin you will have to decide several rules (how many bits to encode a letter? Casse sensitive Y/N? A=001 or A=ascii code? etc...) So you could code/decode picture only with this plugin and can't decode 'external' pictures IMO.

3. bits handling?! I need to improve myself on this stuff!

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