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Expand/Contract Selection

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There is a fairly easy way to increase a selection by a desired number of pixels.

Once you have your selection just do the following:

1) Create a new layer and select it

2) Press the backspace key to fill your selection with your primary color

3) Press ESC to deselect

4) Gaussian Blur by your desired expansion level

5) Set your tolerance to 0, then Shift-Click a totally transparent pixel using the magic wand

6) Press Ctrl-I to invert your selection

7) Delete your temporary layer

You are now back to your original layer and your selection has expanded by the number of pixels you specified to Gaussian Blur.

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There is a fairly easy way to decrease a selection by a desired number of pixels.

Once you have your selection just do the following:

1) Create a new layer and select it

2) Press Ctrl-I to invert your selection

3) Press the backspace key to fill your selection with your primary color

3) Press ESC to deselect

4) Gaussian Blur by your desired expansion level

5) Set your tolerance to 0, then Shift-Click a totally transparent pixel using the magic wand

7) Delete your temporary layer

You are now back to your original layer and your selection has contracted by the number of pixels you specified to Gaussian Blur.

(No, this is not a double post. :P)

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Yeah, in PdN, BoltBait's blur method is the best way to expand a selection. To contract, try messing with Median Blur with a relatively low radius and the percetile set to either 0 or 100(depending on if you filled you original selection with white or black), then continue with BB's other steps...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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I don't wan't to expand a selected object, just the selecty thing with the moving broken lines.

We all realize that! What we are telling you is, what we in the software world like to call, a "workaround"...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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BB's method confuses me.

If you follow the steps carefully once or twice, you'll be to the point where it is automatic.

I know it shows 7 steps, but it takes less than 10 seconds to do the whole thing.

Maybe I could add screen shots. Would that help?

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Resize using Nearest Neighbor resampling. For best results, resize by percent in increments of 100.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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  • 12 years later...

So here's a question: Is paint.net still being developed? Is it being developed by the original developer or by the community? Bearing in mind this is a feature that has been available to me in all or most of the decent graphics packages available to me in recent years why does Paint.net not have it?

You shouldn't have to use a workaround to do something so basic.

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6 hours ago, Tim Rayner said:

Is paint.net still being developed?




6 hours ago, Tim Rayner said:

Is it being developed by the original developer or by the community?


The original developer.


6 hours ago, Tim Rayner said:

why does Paint.net not have it?


There are higher priorities. Simple as that.


Now, because this thread is 13 years old I'm locking it as per our Forum Rules. I think this might be a record for the oldest necropost.

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