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Seamless Texture Maker (ymd:100718)

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Seamless Texture Maker Effect Plugin





What's this?

Based on the original code from Boltbait for his Seamless Texture helper:

This plugin is added to the menu Effects, submenu Distort.


Moderator note

If you have trouble downloading any of these links please do this:   Right-click > Open in new tab.

If the above method doesn't work, try this:  Right click on the link > Save As > save to a folder, then unzip. (Ignore virus warning.)


Download the DLL

Plugin SeamlessTextureMaker.dll

http://jcljay.free.fr/pdn/ar.pngHere is the DLLhttp://jcljay.free.fr/pdn/al.png


The MadJik's All plugins package is available !




How to install

Close Paint.net


Classic version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects


Microsoft Store version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: /My Documents/paint.net App Files/Effects/

You have to adapt for your language My Documents



The User interface


Choose the mode:

...Mirror on the axis (reduce): the image is duplicated and flipped.

...Copy and rotate (reduce): the image is duplicated and rotated.

...Normal+Cut: The image is duplicate and panelled half size and then blended with the original.

...Cut: The image is panelled half size. The center is going to the corners.

Choose the axis of symetry:

...You could decide to apply the effect on the proposed axis.

Flip the selection:

...With the mirror this option allows you to place the reduced image in a different order.

...With other modes, the duplicated image is flipped before the blending.

Transparent pixel is:


...replaced by Black color

...replaced by White color

...replaced by Primary color

...replaced by Secondary color

...as original image

If there are some transparent pixel, you could choose to replace them...

Include transparent pixels

...The blend mode selected applies also to the alpha channel.



The Examples:


rays.jpg  rayst.jpg


Mode Mirror

seamless0.jpg  seamless0t.jpg


Mode Lighten

seamless1.jpg  seamless1t.jpg


Mode Average

seamless2.jpg  seamless2t.jpg


Mode Darken

seamless3.jpg  seamless3t.jpg

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Hey ho ;) pyrochild, my sparkles are calculated from the settings.

This is now some examples of FXs:

Flare / Flake / Both - normal


Flare / Flake / Both - Inverted intensity


Flare / Flake / Both - internal radius >0



This (dawn's) one is another kind, I'will think about that third kind...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing special. I drew an asterisk (with the cross spokes on different layers) and then played with various blurs and color balance/hue-sat till I got something I liked.

I think I also did some gradient fade outs. (Basically fading from the center out to black.) Just play around with pdn, and I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something similar fairly easily. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Nothing special. I drew an asterisk (with the cross spokes on different layers) and then played with various blurs and color balance/hue-sat till I got something I liked.

I think I also did some gradient fade outs. (Basically fading from the center out to black.) Just play around with pdn, and I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something similar fairly easily. :)

Hi Madjik,

I downloaded from the zipped file from the first page,

unzipped the file, sent the plugin to the effects folder, and confirmed its presence there as seamlesshelper.

Ran it on a picture but the plugin executed without any interface and therefore there was no user choice inputs available. Am I downloading the correct plugin or file?

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Thanks for the help but I discovered that I've been looking for the plugin in the wrong place!

Searched desperately in the Effects drop down list, and in the Render section to no avail, and then discovered it in Effects-->Distort!

Thought it was on its own like the earlier seamless plugins.

Apologies for ignorance!

Wonder if this plugin should not really be located in the Render section of the Effects instead of the Distort section?

Also think that its location could be in the first posting instead of being found in an example in a subsequent posting.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi, this is a really cool plugin. It seems to me that it would be one of the most handy plugins available IMO. I was wondering though it it was possible for it to do the following (And maybe there's a setting that I'm missing).

1) Have it expand the canvas size when it mirrors things. If it's 20 X 20, it would then be 40 X 40.

2) Is it possible to perform a half drop with this plugin? This would be TREMENDOUSLY helpful. I don't know if everyone knows what a half drop is, but it can be looked at like a 5 domino, where each dot is an image.


Thanks Again for a really cool plugin (Among others). :D


My First Signature...

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