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  • 11 years later...

Hi! But how to brush ussing only alpha? without color.
For example i need to make edges of part of an immage slightly transparent, but ussing layer transparensy is will not do that gradually and is very timeconsumming. 


I think you should start a new thread. This one is from 2005. Let it rest in peace.


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11) Don't reply to very old threads. Also known as "reviving" or "resusitating" old/dead threads. Also called "necroposting" (eww). If there has been no discussion in a thread for, say, 3 months ... then it is dead. Do not reply to it -- pretend like it is locked. If you reply to it, then the thread will be immediately locked and your post may be deleted. Please just create a new thread if you have something to say about that subject. However, this rule does not apply to The Overflow, Tutorials, Pictorium, or Plugins sections of the forum.


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