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I was wondering if anyone could make an effect/plugin to create a "lens flare" somewhat like this?


I have seen it in many pictures and would like to be able to easily recreate this.

If anyone can,could you post it on the plugins board, as I'm sure others would like to use te effect, and the board strikes me as the most obvious place to post them.




"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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I would use radial gradients, glows, and a series of motion blurs on small pixels. Then, just circles with gaussian blurs for the basic circles. Also, try experimenting with layer blending modes. It'll be hard to position them right if you don't have an artist's eye. Goodluck, though. :)

It'll take a long time to do, however.

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10 sec Google search:


http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articl ... cle874.asp

other algo:




@Bob doesn't have PdN on this computer, sorry.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Hmm... There's an automatic effect on Photoshop CS3 (I got a free trial). I wonder if anyone can do anything with that? Possibly you could rewrite it, changing the code to whatever is used for PDN... (I know zilch about programming...)


"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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Ah, but surely if you rewrite it in PDN code, not just copy and convert it, you can say that it's your own work... I don't know...

The problem isn't with copyright, it's with encryption. You just can't get to the code for Adobe Photoshop CS3, because it isn't open source.

And even if you could, it isn't likely that you could do what you're saying (just change a little bit of it and post it as your own work). If you hold a copyright, you hold the right to create (or license others to create) derivative works, which is what this would be.

Yes, U.S. copyright law is archaic.

So we're stuck with coding it from scratch or (unlikely) finding an existing effect's source which has been released under a Creative Commons license, or with all rights waived.

Oh, and I'm in the dark about coding, too. I wouldn't know the first thing about coding this. A little bit of Qbasic about 12 years ago...some HTML and JavaScript, though only enough to be dangerous...I am no programmer. Just a computer geek...


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Maybe there's a lens flare plugin for another open-source program someone can use...

According to http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-4/gimp.html, GIMP has a lens flare plugin: "Volunteers and the GIMP enthusiasts have written close to a hundred different plug-ins including (...) lens flare (...). Users can get these plug-ins from the Web easily or write their own." GIMP is open source, but I don't know about the plugins.

Hope it helps.

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Oh, right, you found some Gimp code for it! Yes, having been onthe site, I agree it's awful... And, David, I agree that copyright law sucks... All copyright law...


"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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