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Built In GIF Creator Feature request

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I think later versions of paint.net should have should have a built in GIF creator. I hate downloading programs that stamp stuff like "TRIAL VERSION!!!" onto your finished GIF. Not to mention, they don't have the handy and great graphical features paint.net has built in, and, to top it off, they're not very user-friendly

Hey! Check this out>>> [my site]

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Paint.NET will never become an animation program, Rick has said this.

And as for your problem, use the program called unFREEze, it's free and dose not leave a watermark on the finished GIF.



I extremely dislike you now :P

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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He posted first, while I was typing the drawn out version :P

And I can see why Rick refuses to do it:

He wants it to stay a graphics editor, not multiple programs. Maybe a plugin could be made with a lot of work. Then again, I don't want Rick's head to explode :P


From the FAQ

Can I make animated GIF's with Paint.NET?

No, sorry. Paint.NET is not an animation program.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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