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Suggestion: Non-destructive editing

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I know Microsoft's Expression thing has Non-destructive editing. Basically, the original image is preserved throughout the entire editing process. all the effects applied to the "layer" can be disable at anytime along the way. SO, if you have like a drop shadow and a glow effect applied to an object/layer you can turn either off at any time and your image will "recalculate" itself.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Non-destructive editing generally refers to a form of editing where the original content is never changed. You apply filters and edits, and when viewed in the editing program it appears that the image has been changed, but the content remains the same unless you export it to a png or otherwise. Google's Picasa photo manager is a good example of this, you can crop/tune pics in Picasa, but the effects don't change the base picture, and can be undone at any time. To define by negation, destructive editing is when any change that you make to an image (or other document) immediately(or upon saving) affects the image permanently. Usually non-destructive edits require a specific file type and program that recognizes the edits contained therein.

@Rick: I totally agree layers are definitely the base of non-destructive editing. I guess I'm more suggesting a special type of layer, like Adobe's smart filter. I just saw the Photoshop CS3 smart filters demo and it looked incredibly useful so I thought I'd throw it out there for consideration. :)

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  • 14 years later...

I have had luck with this. Go to the file where the image is.  All JPG files should work and PNG files if they do not have layers. Right click on the image name and copy. Go to PDN and insert into new image. This opens a copy of your selection, but is untitled.  You can edit/make changes to this version and the original is untouched. I'm on Windows 10 64bit.  Can't get it to work with any PSD files.  PNG with transparency is hit and miss. Name it as the original  if you like and add the word "copy" to it. Luck.

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