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Is there a way to change the background of a picture?

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I am in the process of taking pictures for my website, but would like for the background to be different. Can I change the background of a pic. Like take for instance, a pic of a person in a junkyard...lol can I change the background to spring time in the park or even just a solid background color. Is this possible? Thanks for any help in advance and have a great day.

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You could cut out the subject using a method such as this:


Then paste the cut-out person into the new background. You may have to do color and luminosity correction to make it look like they belong there.

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How do I add color to my second layer when changing backgrounds of pics and what is anti-aliasing. I dont see this option anywhere. Thanks.

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Finally found the anti-aliasing but cant seem to figure the color for the second layer.

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And how in the heck do I change the color when using the line tool???

God this is frustrating.

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The :PaintBucketTool: Paintbucket is a tool, located in the tools window.

To change a color choose one in the color window.

Please read the help file, i'm sure it will answer a lot of your questions.


It can be accessed later via Help > :Help: Help Topics.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Since you "in the process of TAKING pictures" for your website.

You should try making sure that the pictures you are taking are all in front of a fairly solid colored wall.

If you are wearing light colored clothes, and are light skineed, a dark wall is best, if the reverse is true, a white wall would be best.

Better yet, get a bright green cloth and hang it up on the wall and then take pictures of the people and items in front of it. Just make sure that no one is wearing green.

I have done this plenty a time, it has saved a lot of time and energy when it came to the fixing of the image.


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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