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Crop and Move

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Anytime I crop part of an image (no difference if on a base image or on a layer) and I select the cut part, I am unable to move it around the screen.

I tried also to make canvas wider, but no result.

How is it possible to take a detail from one image and to put it in a specified place of an other?


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Please refrain from USING LOTS OF CAPITALS in your post titles. It makes it look like you are shouting for attention. Thanks.

Edited titled to change "CROP and MOVE" to "Crop and Move"

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Thanks for your suggestion, I am not shouting, just waiting calm for the answer.

In fact I noted that I can solve the problem selecting the detail, cutting, pasting it again and then moving it around, the same as I used in Paint, but I thought a more direct method had been implemented in Paint.Net.

Am I wrong?

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