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Saving History

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Is there any way to save the history of an image so you can make changes later? Like if you didn't want to flatten an image, and you saved it, and closed Paint.net, then realized later you shouldn't of flattened it. I think it might be good to have (if it doesn't have it already) for those who make the awsome sigs that look like it took a year to make.


Do not click!

Time flies when you're eating a donut.

My dA

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Save the PDN file just before you flatten it. Then after you flatten it, you save it as some other format. Say PNG. That will leave the PDN file intact.

If you want history, you must manually save the PDN file as #1, #2; and so on.

I don’t think saving the entire history with the PDN file is possible, the way paint.NET works.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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Once you close PDN the History is lost.

I do exactly what Leif said. I would save the image before I made the curves adjustment and then make the change and save it again with a slightly different name.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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But that wasn't the case because the history items weren't even being saved in memory, they were saved to disk

Isn't it possible to save that file and then insert it back in the right place from where you copied it from when you restart PDN?

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But that wasn't the case because the history items weren't even being saved in memory, they were saved to disk

Isn't it possible to save that file and then insert it back in the right place from where you copied it from when you restart PDN?

Nope. Those files go bye-bye as soon as you close the Program.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Unless you copy them while PDN is still running, paste that file in let's say My Documents and then close PDN. The history file would still be intact, then replace in the original place when you restart PDN...

Oh but wait, you can't replace files while a program is running. Doesn't matter. Everything seemed dandy in my head until I wrote it down.

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This is why I like to work in layers so much.

I like to copy a layer before I make changes to it that aren't udnoable later. This way, I can just get rid of the layer.

For instance, before I apply a blur, I will make a copy of the layer and then do my blur, and hide the origional layer.

I have just become used to doing it this way.

History is saved in a Temp file, (as it should be) other wise it will take up too much memory later.


When in doubt, Try it out.


I made this sig file using http://www.anim8or.com and making all of the textures with http://www.getpaint.net

I love freeware.

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There was a thread awhile ago about persisting the History between sessions, and I gave explanations as to why this would not be a good thing to do.

Please use Search to find it.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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