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Antialiasing, layers etc.

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Well, I have just finished making a logo for my new project, called "MiniUploader" ;) There it is:


Well, it wasn't too difficult to make that picture, BUT I have noticed a few things that were going to make me crazy.

1. Antialiasing

Look at the girl with nice gun in her hand ;) She is pixelated, yeah? I think so. I selected the "Smooth" quality and that's what I got. I think that thing which we call "antialiasing" should be improved.

2. Layers

There should be "drag&drop" feature, just as in Corel Photo-Paint or Paint Shop Pro. And I think, there should be some nice features in "layers" window, such as: setting the transparency, locking, renaming etc. (I know I can get all those just by double-clicking on a layer, but it just takes too long).

Also, I think layers select is made by sbd drunk ;) I think it shouldn't select whole image area when we select just one layer.

And, the last (I think...) one: when we scale a selection, and then rotate it/flip/do something with it, we can notice that that part of selection which was out of image area, disappeared. It can make someone nervous.

3. Saving file as JPEG

Hmm, at first I tried to save this logo as JPEG, but it saved only our nice girl with gun, and everything else was black. I think it changed a transparent background into a black one, and when all letters were black... they disappeared ;) Default background in JPEG, BMP etc. files should be WHITE.

4. History

Eh, it's so hard to go back through the history. If you have ~100 points in that window, you can go and make some tea, and it should be done just as you come back. Is it too hard to set it as it's in Photoshop?

And I think that's all. Paint.NET is very nice program, but these bugs make me mad ;)

And, of course, sorry for my English... ^.-

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Maybe second, third and fourth. They annoy me, that's it :P It takes too much time to set all these things or wait, when in other programs it's very fast.

But antialiasing should be improved, it looks ugly and awful now (in comparison to Corel, PSP, PS, of course).

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That isn't anti-aliasing. That's the resampling mode for the Move Selected Pixels tool. The two terms are related at a mathematical level but not in this context. "Smooth" uses bilinear resampling, while "Pixelated" uses nearest neighbor. Using bicubic and/or super sampling are either very complex to implement, or have low performance for this task. I'm guessing you resized something to be much smaller than its original size, which bilinear resampling is not the greatest for.

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A simple fix for his ugly resizing issue would be to make a rectangular selection around the object instead of using the magic wand to make an exact selection. Resizing this way keeps the edges from being blocky...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Rick: so, is there any filter/effect/something to antialias resampled image? I tried using gausian blur, but she looked more ugly than before :/

Erm, I know very well that JPEG doesn't support transparency, and actually only GIF and PNG support it. I wrote "Default background in JPEG, BMP etc. files should be WHITE.", not "You should force JPEG format to support transparent colors" ^.- IF there is no background color (it's transparent), it automatically becomes black, and I think it should be white ;)

barkbark00: but I didn't mean just edges. The entire girl is pixelated.

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Transparent regions in a JPEG are defaulting to white on my system. I just tested this by opening an image, selecting a rectangular area, deleting it, and then File->Save As.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Rick: so, is there any filter/effect/something to antialias resampled image? I tried using gausian blur, but she looked more ugly than before :/

You can open the image in a separate tab, then use Image->Resize to get it closer to your target size. This command uses a much higher quality (albeit slower) resampling algorithm. Then copy+paste it over to where you are making the new image with all the added text, etc.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Rick: so, is there any filter/effect/something to antialias resampled image? I tried using gausian blur, but she looked more ugly than before :/

You can open the image in a separate tab, then use Image->Resize to get it closer to your target size. This command uses a much higher quality (albeit slower) resampling algorithm. Then copy+paste it over to where you are making the new image with all the added text, etc.

And that's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! The best solutions are the simpliest ones ^.^

But I still think that resampling should be improved ;P

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