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suggestion - symbols on the forum

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i have a little suggestion for the forum

it would be very useful if there were also all the symbols from paint.Net on the forum as smiley, because that would make it easier for people with a different native language. and you dont have to explain everything, just post the picture

example: if you write [zoom] in a post there will appear a picture like this: zoomge3.png

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The :save: one is a good idea. I can see this one sitting right next to a download link. The :pdn: one is simply a must have, no question.

Thanks for making our forum a little more homely, Rick.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Somehow, I see this :pdn: one going into many sigs...

Nice addition though. ;)

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Try these on for size.

:AddNewLayer: :AddNoise: :AllColorChannels: :AlphaChannel: :AntiAliasingOff: :AntiAliasingOn: :AutoLevel::BlackAndWhite::BrightnessContrast: :Bulge: :Cancel: :CanvasSize: :CloneStamp: :Close: :ColorPalettes: :ColorPicker: :Colors: :ConicalGradient: :Crop: :CursorXY: :Curves: :Delete: :Deselect: :DiamondGradient: :Down: :DragDrop: :DuplicateLayer: :EdgeDetect:

I'll get the rest when I have time. (I have to manually import every single one :cry: )

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Note to tutorials makers: do not use Only these icons.

Write always some text to describe the action / effect.

Otherwise it will be very difficult to read it, first, but to convert or make changes in it too.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Splendid! No more "what-does-the-radial-gradient-button-look-like"ing! :)

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Ok, here we go.

:AddNewLayer: :AddNoise: :AllColorChannels: :AlphaChannel: :AntiAliasingOff: :AntiAliasingOn: :AutoLevel::BlackAndWhite::BrightnessContrast: :Bulge: :Cancel: :CanvasSize: :CloneStamp: :Close: :ColorPalettes: :ColorPicker: :Colors: :ConicalGradient: :Crop: :CursorXY: :Curves: :Delete: :Deselect: :DiamondGradient: :Down: :DragDrop: :DuplicateLayer: :EdgeDetect: :EditCopy::EditCut::EllipseSelectTool::EllipseTool: :Email: :Emboss: :EraserTool: :ExpandCanvas: :FastForward: :FileNew::FileOpen: :FillSelection: :Flatten: :FreeformShapeTool: :FrostedGlass: :GaussianBlur: :Glow: :GradientTool: :Grid: :Help: :History: :Horiz: :HueSaturation: :ImportLayers: :InvertColors: :InvertSelection: :Language: :LassoTool: :Layers: :Levels: :LinearGradient: :LinearReflectedGradient: :LineCurveTool: :Link: :MagicWandTool: :MdiList: :Median: :MergeDown: :Minus: :MotionBlur: :MoveSelectionTool::MoveTool: :NormalBlending: :OilPainting: :Outline: :OverwriteBlending: :PaintBrushTool: :PaintBucketTool: :PanTool: :Paste: :PasteNewImage: :PasteNewLayer: :pdn: :PencilSketch: :PencilTool: :Pixelate: :Plugin: :Plus: :PolarInversion: :Print: :Properties: :RadialBlur: :RadialGradient::RecoloringTool::RectangleSelectTool::RectangleTool: :RedEyeRemoval: :Redo: :ReliefEffect: :Resize: :Rewind: :Right: :RotateCCW: :RotateCW: :RotateZoom::RoundedRectangleTool: :Rulers: :Save: :SaveAll: :SaveAs: :SavePalette::scanner: :SelectAll: :Sepia: :Settings: :ShapeBoth: :ShapeInterior: :ShapeOutline: :Sharpen: :SwapColors: :Swatch: :Talk: :TextBold: :TextCenter: :TextItalics: :TextLeft: :TextTool: :TextUnderline: :TileEffect: :Tools: :Tutorial: :Twist: :Undo: :Unfocus: :Up: :Updates: :Vertical: :Warning: :ZoomActualSize: :ZoomBlur: :ZoomIn: :ZoomOut: :ZoomTool: :ZoomToSelection: :ZoomToWindow:

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Actually; very useful whenever someone wants to post an answer to question in a forum.

Q:How do I do this????

A:Press that button. And post the symbol.

I have earlier had to post screen caps to explain myself in other forums.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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