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First, thanks for the great and free image editing software!

I'm using Paint.NET v.3.01 and the feature "Apply-of scanner/camera..." or something like that doesn't work at all. There is a camera and a scanner installed on my machine. But in the dialog box, only the camera can be selected.

Where could be the bottleneck for this problem?

game design rocks...


What type of scanner is it?

From The FAQ:

Why can't I scan or print?

There are three possible reasons. One is that you're using Windows 2000. We use WIA v2.0 (Windows Image Acquisition) for our printing and scanning functionality, and this is a system component that is not available unless you have Windows XP SP1 or later installed.

Second, if you can't scan, then maybe your scanner doesn't support WIA. You can check to see if you scanner supports WIA by verifying that it shows up in the "Scanners and Cameras" control panel. Some scanners or cameras require that special software or drivers be installed before they work with WIA.

Lastly, if you are running Windows Server 2003 you should know that the Windows Image Acquisition system service is not enabled by default. Simply set it to "Automatic" and it should work.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype


I'm using Windows XP SP2 and my scanner is called: Canon CanoScan4200F

Edit: Forgot to say, that my scanner is showed in the system control.

game design rocks...

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