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This idea just came to me because I was thinking of making a tutorial and people reading the tutorial will need to get the coordinates right for it to work best. It would also be a big help in other areas as well.


To add the option to be able to type the X & Y coordinates into a box and have Paint.NET go to that spot on the canvas, instead of using arrow keys and mouse to find the coordinates.

This could be used for lots of things like tutorials, image mapping, effects editing, and advance images.

Should be easy to use the way I'm thinking of it. A pop up box with 2 input boxs for X and Y coordinates and a OK/Cancel button. After putting in the coordinates and clicking ok the tool that is picked should go right to the coordinates you set.

I guessing this does not need to be added right into Paint.NET but could be done as a plugin ?

So would this be hard to make ?

This could be used for lots of things like tutorials, image mapping, effects editing, and advance images.

People cannot read coordinates in the status bar? :/

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

People cannot read coordinates in the status bar? :/

Bob I know how to read the coordinates in the status bar. If I never I would have un-installed Paint.NET because a lot of work I do depen on the right coordinates. That not what I was asking and is no were near it, matter a fact I am sure I said back in that post "instead of using arrow keys and mouse to find the coordinates".

Ex: From a tutorial that Buzz made for me a year ago.

ellipse: starting coordinates: 50, 200... finishing coordinates: 350, 200

2nd ellipse: Starting coordinates: 100, 200... finishing coordinates: 300, 200

Don't know about you but wouldn't it be better to be able to put them coordinates in a box and have your ellipse tool go right to it. I think that better then doing it manual and trying to stay right on top of the right coordinates.

Read post not just subject title. (I can see how the subject title could make you think I was asking about adding a coordinates box to show you coordinates. But can't see the post giving you that idea.)

Sorry if any of my post sounds rude but your reply was rude to me with the way you said (As if I was an idiot and could not see the coordinates in the status bar) and then the :/ to close it of, which is know as looking at someone as an idiot.


Oh. No sorry I didn't want to sound rude, it was just maybe a bit ironic.

Now seeing your last post I think we don't have the same idea of what is a "tutorial".

What you describe (typing coordinates and see the app doing the job) is what I will call scripting actually.

Integration of this was already discussed before and if i guess it's on the big todo list Rick may have somewhere (We've heard of "simplifying plugins making" some weeks ago).

I must explain that, for me, and it can not be yours, a tutorial must involve learning, and so work too.

A lot (all?) of Photoshop tutorials I see are just a sucession of windows showing "inner glow: 5", "border: red, 20" and so on..

Think, it's like take a photo of Mona Lisa and claim to your friends you painted it: in some sort, you've created it, you pressed a button...

But I've seen really good photos of Mona Lisa, or really what's around it, showing the contrast between this calm picture and all the mess around, people moving and speaking about it.

So your can make really good stuff from Mona Lisa or in our case a tutorial, but not by copying it point by point.

You have to learn why. "Why is this thing here?" "and what happen if i do this instead of this?" "and what happen... ?"

I'm sure that if you change a bit the values Buzz provided to you, doubling it it, or multiplying by 3/4, the whole "spirit" will not change, but it will surely give a personal touch.

I hope you see my point here, and why i think your idea is not a really good idea.

But if anyone wants to explain me why I'm wrong, he is welcome.


Once again I don't mean to be rude, it may be put on the account of my poor knowledge of the English language, so I try to make catch sentences and such, maybe the French language is more "direct" to say things, maybe my "character structure" too.

Once again, sorry.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio


At least it answers this line:

people reading the tutorial will need to get the coordinates right for it to work best.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

At least it answers this line:
people reading the tutorial will need to get the coordinates right for it to work best.

not really :?. that line goes back to my 1st post about adding or making a plugin to let you set the X and Y coordinates and how you can't mess up a tutorial that needs you to use coordinates. I thinking I going to need to make a video and fake images and put them together and show you what my idea is so you can understand better what I been trying to stay from post number 1.

Edited to add FAKE image

Ok Bob here a "FAKE" image of a plugin that I like to see made for Paint.NET.


See how you input the X and Y coordinates. Then click ok and it will bring what ever tool or selection you have selected to them coordinates.

You understand ?


Eh, I'm still a little skeptical as to it's usefulness. Most of the tool (all? :P) use the cursor, so as soon as you hit ok the cursor jumps to the position? Then you have to pause and find your mouse again...you can't move it until you see it...and what would happen if you have to click and drag to some coordinates? You can't jump to that...

It sounds to me the best option would just to be to tell people "go to 300, 456234" or something. :?

Eh, I'm still a little skeptical as to it's usefulness. Most of the tool (all? :P) use the cursor, so as soon as you hit ok the cursor jumps to the position? Then you have to pause and find your mouse again...you can't move it until you see it...and what would happen if you have to click and drag to some coordinates? You can't jump to that...

It sounds to me the best option would just to be to tell people "go to 300, 456234" or something. :?

You type the coordinates in and click ok and then the tool or selection is moved to them coordinates. So lets say I pick the pencil and I want to go to X: 200 & Y: 400. instead of wasting my time trying to get to the right spot on the canvas and trying to staying right on that pixel for X: 200 & Y: 400, I just type them in and click ok. As soon as I click ok the pencil jumps to 200,400 and I can do what ever needs to be done.

Now lets say I am making a Ellipse with starting coordinates: 50, 200 and finishing coordinates: 350, 200.

I type X: 50 & Y: 200 and click ok. It brings my Ellispse tool right to the spot. Now I type X: 350 & Y: 200, Plus I check the box's Mouse Clicked (so it will be like holding down on the mouse button) and Hold Shift ( So it will be like holding down the shift key) and click ok. It makes my Ellipse 100% the way it should be. (yes I added them buttons to the image)

Saves me a lot of time, mess ups, and work. I often find myself using Paint.NET and the Calculator for mapping the right coordinates for my projects.

It is better to be able to type in coordinates and hit them on the dot then using your mouse or arrow keys and trying to pin point them on the dot using the staus bar.

think of it as a radio were you want to listen to 182.12 but you can't go pass it or before it because the channel wont work. Now your in a car with a 1950 tuner and I in a 2006 car with a 2006 tuner that has a number pad going from 0 - 9. You got to turn a nob and get 182.12 on the dot to hear that channel ( have fun with that). I just got to punch in the 182.12 and that it.

I got a funny feeling you could be there for hours trying to get that channel were it only took me like 3 sec's to get that channel.

I got a funny feeling you could be there for hours trying to get that channel were it only took me like 3 sec's to get that channel.

Unless you are experienced with the feeling of that analog knob. (As were they all back in the day)


I got a funny feeling you could be there for hours trying to get that channel were it only took me like 3 sec's to get that channel.

Unless you are experienced with the feeling of that analog knob. (As were they all back in the day)

Still takes longer as I said you must hit the numbers on the dot. Experienced or not it still going to be hard to get to that number before I do (Point of example). Plus the tuner was used to help them understand why this would be a good plugin not to go of topic into 1950 cars and there radios. I used this because they could not see it from the way I was looking at it. So I used a everyday thing to help them see what I getting at.

Man if I had to know how much negative feed back I would get for coming up with a idea that I though could be of use to some people i would of never posted it. I just though that people who this could help would be happy (Know I would) and people who have no use for this would not care (You know would not have to use it).

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