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Layers, Show All Hide All Request.

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Disagree. Hiding all the layers might be useful for an animated image. You've created all the frames, now you want to save them as individual images with One layer + Background.

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Ok, maybe a hide all, with the exception of the current active layer, would be more of what I'm looking for.


The scenario I would probably find myself in the most, would be if I have a lot of layers, and then I want to turn off all the layers, except for the layer I'm on and the background layer.


A full hide all would still be something I would use too though. I could see myself wanting to turn off all layers before I add a new layer to start a next phase in a project.


A benefit to "show all layers" would let me work with only a few layers on, and then toggle all the layers on to see how the overall image is coming along, and then I would probably undo to toggle things back off.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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"Show only current layer" (in normal Blend mode), could be very useful.

Not sure how it would work though?... something like radio buttons on the layer panes perhaps but how would it be turned off?
Perhaps some form of full size preview image when the layer's properties window is opened?

I cannot see the point of 'hide all', perhaps I'm being too literal? :/


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You could use the "hide all" layers feature in a scenario such as there are 25 layers, you want to merge 3 of them but the rest is distracting your view of the isolated bunch you want to work with at the moment. I accept the suggestion that the current active layer could be excluded when you do this command. We don't have layer groups like in Photoshop so I think a Hide All and Show All feature for layers would be useful in some situations when you want to isolate your work and focus on a few layers before moving to the rest of the project.


I support this idea and thanks Huggles for linking my suggestion thread. I see no harm if this is implemented, only a new advantage with an added feature.

Edited by Ishi
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