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Idea: Section in tutorials for pixel art?

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Perhaps if there actually was a significant amount of Pixel Art tutorials published, the Mods/Admins would create a subforum (section) for them. No sense in creating a new subforum that's virtually empty, otherwise we'd end up with a plethora of subforums with 2 or 3 tutorials in them.


I have no idea what shoutmon is. Wikipedia tells me it a Digimon character... not sure if that's what you're referring to...

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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Hey SilverWolfArt, welcome to the forum :D

No sense in creating a new subforum that's virtually empty, otherwise we'd end up with a plethora of subforums with 2 or 3 tutorials in them.


This. And this...


We're not an art forum. We're a support forum with an art subforum. We don't need an entire subforum just for pixel art


We have relatively few entries in the Pixel Art section of the Pictorium (http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8613-image-umbrella-pixel-images/page-1). The last post there was more than three years ago.


You are most welcome to post a tutorial. I suggest here http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/19-creations/

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Pixel art is, by the most bare-bones definition, just art that is drawn pixel by pixel. It's more about the style, however, than the method. I like to use layers, for example, as seen in this tutorial I made a while back:


Most of the tutorial itself is pixel art too.

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