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BoltBait's Shape Pack and Additional Shapes

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In additional to my shape pack:



Which you can download here: https://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingShapes.php

Here is a Push Pin:


<ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework"
        DisplayName="Push Pin">
        <PathGeometry FillRule="Nonzero">
                <PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="235,23">
                    <BezierSegment Point1="289,0" Point2="437,55" Point3="414,149" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="401,230" Point2="291,227" Point3="232,194" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="163,160" Point2="140,56" Point3="235,23" />

                <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="False" StartPoint="193,163">
                    <BezierSegment Point1="192.78,178.79" Point2="178.78,202.29" Point3="165,210" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="152,235" Point2="178,292" Point3="234,292" />
                <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="False" StartPoint="332,216">
                    <BezierSegment Point1="315,229" Point2="307,248" Point3="308,271" />

                <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="331,215">
                  <LineSegment Point="319,230" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="363,260" Point2="367,365" Point3="269,390" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="194,398" Point2="142,378" Point3="99,318" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="61,257" Point2="104,177" Point3="190,175" />
                    <LineSegment Point="193,164" />

                <PathFigure IsClosed="False" IsFilled="False" StartPoint="158,373">
                    <LineSegment Point="116,463" />
                    <BezierSegment Point1="113,477" Point2="135,487" Point3="150,477" />
                    <LineSegment Point="193,387" />

Enjoy. B)


EDIT:  Here are some right angle shapes that were requested...





EDIT:  I needed some new shapes for work:







Here is a 3D star:




<ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework"
                        DisplayName="3D Star">
	<PathGeometry FillRule="Nonzero">
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="400,300">
			<LineSegment Point="400,30" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="461,217" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,300" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="400,300">
			<LineSegment Point="655,219" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="499,333" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,300" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="400,300">
			<LineSegment Point="599,520" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,405" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,300" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="400,300">
			<LineSegment Point="241,520" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="302,333" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,300" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="True" StartPoint="400,300">
			<LineSegment Point="143,217" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="340,217" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,300" IsSmoothJoin="True" />
		<PathFigure IsClosed="True" IsFilled="False" StartPoint="400,30">
			<LineSegment Point="461,217" />
			<LineSegment Point="655,219" />
			<LineSegment Point="499,333" />
			<LineSegment Point="599,520" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,405" />
			<LineSegment Point="241,520" />
			<LineSegment Point="302,333" />
			<LineSegment Point="141,217" />
			<LineSegment Point="340,217" />
			<LineSegment Point="400,30" />


EDIT: Another shape, called: 100 Point Sticker


  Geometry="F1 M 272.4613,-17.1418 L 258.8461,-24.4682
L 270.8473,-34.216 L 256.799,-40.673
L 268.1644,-51.1551 L 253.7384,-56.7172
L 264.4232,-67.8923 L 249.6764,-72.5377
L 259.6384,-84.3616 L 244.629,-88.0719
L 253.829,-100.498 L 238.6162,-103.2585
L 247.0178,-116.2377 L 231.6617,-118.0375
L 239.2317,-131.5188 L 223.7929,-132.3508
L 230.5015,-146.2807 L 215.0409,-146.1417
L 220.8616,-160.4654 L 205.4403,-159.3558
L 210.3501,-174.0167 L 195.0289,-171.9411
L 199.0084,-186.8814 L 183.8478,-183.8478
L 186.8814,-199.0084 L 171.9411,-195.0289
L 174.0167,-210.3501 L 159.3558,-205.4403
L 160.4654,-220.8616 L 146.1417,-215.0409
L 146.2807,-230.5015 L 132.3508,-223.7929
L 131.5188,-239.2317 L 118.0375,-231.6617
L 116.2377,-247.0178 L 103.2585,-238.6162
L 100.498,-253.829 L 88.0719,-244.629
L 84.3616,-259.6384 L 72.5377,-249.6764
L 67.8923,-264.4232 L 56.7172,-253.7384
L 51.1551,-268.1644 L 40.673,-256.799
L 34.216,-270.8473 L 24.4682,-258.8461
L 17.1418,-272.4613 L 8.1668,-259.8717
L 0,-273 L -8.1668,-259.8717
L -17.1418,-272.4613 L -24.4682,-258.8461
L -34.216,-270.8473 L -40.673,-256.799
L -51.1551,-268.1644 L -56.7172,-253.7384
L -67.8923,-264.4232 L -72.5377,-249.6764
L -84.3616,-259.6384 L -88.0719,-244.629
L -100.498,-253.829 L -103.2585,-238.6162
L -116.2377,-247.0178 L -118.0375,-231.6617
L -131.5188,-239.2317 L -132.3508,-223.7929
L -146.2807,-230.5015 L -146.1417,-215.0409
L -160.4654,-220.8616 L -159.3558,-205.4403
L -174.0167,-210.3501 L -171.9411,-195.0289
L -186.8814,-199.0084 L -183.8478,-183.8478
L -199.0084,-186.8814 L -195.0289,-171.9411
L -210.3501,-174.0167 L -205.4403,-159.3558
L -220.8616,-160.4654 L -215.0409,-146.1417
L -230.5015,-146.2807 L -223.7929,-132.3508
L -239.2317,-131.5188 L -231.6617,-118.0375
L -247.0178,-116.2377 L -238.6162,-103.2585
L -253.829,-100.498 L -244.629,-88.0719
L -259.6384,-84.3616 L -249.6764,-72.5377
L -264.4232,-67.8923 L -253.7384,-56.7172
L -268.1644,-51.1551 L -256.799,-40.673
L -270.8473,-34.216 L -258.8461,-24.4682
L -272.4613,-17.1418 L -259.8717,-8.1668
L -273,0 L -259.8717,8.1668
L -272.4613,17.1418 L -258.8461,24.4682
L -270.8473,34.216 L -256.799,40.673
L -268.1644,51.1551 L -253.7384,56.7172
L -264.4232,67.8923 L -249.6764,72.5377
L -259.6384,84.3616 L -244.629,88.0719
L -253.829,100.498 L -238.6162,103.2585
L -247.0178,116.2377 L -231.6617,118.0375
L -239.2317,131.5188 L -223.7929,132.3508
L -230.5015,146.2807 L -215.0409,146.1417
L -220.8616,160.4654 L -205.4403,159.3558
L -210.3501,174.0167 L -195.0289,171.9411
L -199.0084,186.8814 L -183.8478,183.8478
L -186.8814,199.0084 L -171.9411,195.0289
L -174.0167,210.3501 L -159.3558,205.4403
L -160.4654,220.8616 L -146.1417,215.0409
L -146.2807,230.5015 L -132.3508,223.7929
L -131.5188,239.2317 L -118.0375,231.6617
L -116.2377,247.0178 L -103.2585,238.6162
L -100.498,253.829 L -88.0719,244.629
L -84.3616,259.6384 L -72.5377,249.6764
L -67.8923,264.4232 L -56.7172,253.7384
L -51.1551,268.1644 L -40.673,256.799
L -34.216,270.8473 L -24.4682,258.8461
L -17.1418,272.4613 L -8.1668,259.8717
L 0,273 L 8.1668,259.8717
L 17.1418,272.4613 L 24.4682,258.8461
L 34.216,270.8473 L 40.673,256.799
L 51.1551,268.1644 L 56.7172,253.7384
L 67.8923,264.4232 L 72.5377,249.6764
L 84.3616,259.6384 L 88.0719,244.629
L 100.498,253.829 L 103.2585,238.6162
L 116.2377,247.0178 L 118.0375,231.6617
L 131.5188,239.2317 L 132.3508,223.7929
L 146.2807,230.5015 L 146.1417,215.0409
L 160.4654,220.8616 L 159.3558,205.4403
L 174.0167,210.3501 L 171.9411,195.0289
L 186.8814,199.0084 L 183.8478,183.8478
L 199.0084,186.8814 L 195.0289,171.9411
L 210.3501,174.0167 L 205.4403,159.3558
L 220.8616,160.4654 L 215.0409,146.1417
L 230.5015,146.2807 L 223.7929,132.3508
L 239.2317,131.5188 L 231.6617,118.0375
L 247.0178,116.2377 L 238.6162,103.2585
L 253.829,100.498 L 244.629,88.0719
L 259.6384,84.3616 L 249.6764,72.5377
L 264.4232,67.8923 L 253.7384,56.7172
L 268.1644,51.1551 L 256.799,40.673
L 270.8473,34.216 L 258.8461,24.4682
L 272.4613,17.1418 L 259.8717,8.1668
L 273,0 L 259.8717,-8.1668
Z" />


Note: The points were calculated mathematically using a spreadsheet.


How to install shapes: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingShapes.php



  • Upvote 9

Oh MY ............... these are so cool B) .  Thank you BoltBait.  I can't resist and will have to put this in the vehicle comp!




How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the shapes. I like the push pin but it's not included in the pack so my question is how can it be downloaded?


mackenzieh, you can download it by unhiding the 'hidden content', copy everything and paste into a notepad document (.txt). Save as 'pushpin' and change the format from .txt to .xaml.  Put it in your shapes folder and you're good to go.     :)

  • Upvote 1

mackenzieh, you can download it by unhiding the 'hidden content', copy everything and paste into a notepad document (.txt). Save as 'pushpin' and change the format from .txt to .xaml.  Put it in your shapes folder and you're good to go.     :)

Thank you. :)


Sorry, but I am confused about how to save the copy & pasted code into an .xmal :( .


I've done the above mentioned ...... saved in notepad ....... but when I try to save from txt to xmal there is no choice in the drop down.




I've tried to change the file name to .xmal - it does save, but looks nothing like the other saved .xmal's and does not show up in the Shapes folder.




Would be great to know what I (dum-dum) am doing wrong here :lol: .



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

Posted (edited)


Would be great to know what I (dum-dum) am doing wrong here :lol: .


Hi Pixie!


Save as notepad document (.txt).  (You can't do both steps at the same time). Then rename the file, changing .txt to .xaml.  Be sure it's 'xaml' because you keep typing 'xmal'. Xmal is not a legitimate file type for shapes.


Hope that helps you!     :)    Have a nice day!


My bad....you can do it all in one step.

Edited by lynxster4
  • Upvote 1
  • 1 year later...

Hi there. Want to say thanks, every single one of your plugins have been so useful! I can't seem to unhide the spoiler for that pushpin though... Any suggestions? The rest of the shapes are fantastic, thanks!

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

I installed the Boltbait Shape Pack.  There is a installer in the folder I clicked it says Success. When I opened it there are the usual shapes. I can't get the 65 shapes


Please help me it's really urgent


21 hours ago, Zeshan said:

I installed the Boltbait Shape Pack.  There is a installer in the folder I clicked it says Success. When I opened it there are the usual shapes. I can't get the 65 shapes


Please help me it's really urgent



Please try this one:





How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

21 hours ago, Zeshan said:

I installed the Boltbait Shape Pack.  There is a installer in the folder I clicked it says Success. When I opened it there are the usual shapes. I can't get the 65 shapes


Please help me it's really urgent


But I need for paint.net version v3.5.11


Please help me 😭😭

1 minute ago, Zeshan said:

But I need for paint.net version v3.5.11


Please help me 😭😭


I'm sorry but you have to have the latest version of Paint.net for these to work.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

3 minutes ago, BoltBait said:


Sorry, that version of Paint.NET doesn't include support for shapes.

Can I download the new Effect packs for v3.5.11?

1 minute ago, Zeshan said:

Can I download the new Effect packs for v3.5.11?


If you're looking for my plugins for Paint.NET v3.5.11, look here: 




After installing that pack, you can install this plugin for Text:




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