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A couple of months ago I reinstalled windows and since then some of my bigger PDN files wont open. 


They give a "The file is corrupt or was saved with a newer version of paint.net" error


Here's the full error

System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: chunkNumber (3473456) read from stream is out of bounds (chunkCount = 987)

   at PaintDotNet.MemoryBlock.PaintDotNet.Serialization.IDeferredSerializable.FinishDeserialization(Stream input, DeferredFormatter formatter) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Core\MemoryBlock.cs:line 792

   at PaintDotNet.Serialization.DeferredFormatter.FinishDeserialization(Stream input) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Core\Serialization\DeferredFormatter.cs:line 118

   at PaintDotNet.Document.FromStream(Stream stream) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\Document.cs:line 1438

   at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 477

   at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158



While it's possible that they were corruped when I backed them up, it seems weird that it only happened to PDN files and everythign else is ok.


Could anything else have caused this like a plugin not being installed that I had before?  All these files were made around febuary this year, and I wiped my computer in June.


Some of these are important work files that if I cant restore I will have to remake. So any help is apreciated.






I've been going through files and pdn's seem to be the only thing that have problems so far.


It's possible that it's because they are the biggest files that I backed up. It seems to mostly be the big PDN's that are like this. They range from 1mb to 325mb

System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: chunkNumber (3473456) read from stream is out of bounds (chunkCount = 987)


Yeah they're just simply corrupt. That file is supposed to have 987 chunks (blocks), but one of the chunks is saying it's the 3,473,456th chunk.


Hopefully you have a backup :-\


Some file types can survive some corruption, like JPEG and many video formats. PDNs do not tolerate it.

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Some files are giving different errors, but I think they are all goners.  Not sure what happened to them when I copied them to my homeserver.


I tried pdn2png but it just gave errors.


Sadly this was the backup.  I guess this has taught me to check my files after backing them up.


Luckily I've found a flat version of the only one that really mattered, but it would have been nice to have a layered version for future changes.


Thanks for the help guys.

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