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Transparency shows as black box

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I am working on creating letters with a logo using crystal reports.   The Logo needs to be PNG format and the background transparent as the logo is used on the web and other applications.  I can create the image without any issues and works for all my other processes, but Crystal reports.  It appears when the program convert the transparent area.  It changes to a black background. 


Here is what I found.

If I pick the white color and change the Opacity = 1 and Value = 100.  This ends up creating a very light shaded box around the image on the letter.   The lower the value the darker the box.  The issues is I am unable to save the image with the Value at 100 with Opacity  = 0. 

Here is the setting I want:


Once I save and reopen the image.  It displays the value  = 0 and I get the black Transparency.



My question is there a way to save with the value = 100 and Opacity = 0 or another way around this issue. 



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Are you sure you're saving it as a transparent PNG? Make sure you select 32-bit in the Save Configuration dialog.


If that's already the case then my bet is that Crystal Reports has a bug, or it's not designed to handle PNGs with transparency.


Transparent pixels will always be saved as #00000000 because of the way the math works out for layer compositing (aka alpha compositing). There isn't a mathematical difference between "transparent white" and "transparent black" ... they are both just transparent.

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