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ShapeMaker - by the Dwarf Horde (Jan 30th, 2016)

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How about posting the Shape (XAML - between CODE tags) so we can see what you're looking at?

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How about posting the Shape (XAML - between CODE tags) so we can see what you're looking at?

Hmmmm....well, now, remember who you are mercifully even bothering to be dealing with. I don't even know how to use the "hide" function on this forum. I can copy and paste the code without including the header/footer tags, while seeing the code within the Kaxaml editor. Is that what you want me to do?

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Yes. You could just copy & paste the XAML into a post. Treat it like text in other words.

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Argh!  Just lost 2 hours work (probably should save more often :mrgreen: ) when this crash happened after using auto circle & then Apply Edit.

Hidden Content:
Application paint.net 4.0.6 (Final 4.6.5693.28)
Build Date Monday, August 03, 2015

Hardware accelerated rendering (GPU) False
Animations True
DPI 96.00 (1.00x scale)
Language en-US

OS Windows 10 (10.0.10240.0)
.NET Runtime 4.0.30319.42000
Physical Memory 8,094 MB

CPU Intel® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Architecture x64 (64-bit)
Process Mode 64-bit
Speed ~2494 MHz
Cores / Threads 4
Features DEP, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4_1, SSE4_2, XSAVE

Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Dedicated Video RAM 32 MB
Dedicated System RAM 0 MB
Shared System RAM 1,760 MB
Vendor ID 0x8086
Device ID 0x0166
Subsystem ID 0x05691028
Revision 9
LUID 0x000092C3
Flags None
Outputs 1

Video Card Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Dedicated Video RAM 0 MB
Dedicated System RAM 0 MB
Shared System RAM 4,047 MB
Vendor ID 0x1414
Device ID 0x008C
Subsystem ID 0x00000000
Revision 0
LUID 0x000094F3
Flags Software
Outputs 0


EDIT:  It's just possible I'm not using the small circle tool correctly.  I'm trying to use it as a very small circle standing alone, as per this attachment.



Edited by Pixey


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Hi Pixey,
Sorry you lost work.

Did the crash report say what the error (exception) was? (normally below all the bumph about your computer set up)?

I assume the screenshot shows a control point as it's green?. Circles (and ellipses and arcs) are red.

To make small circles.
Uncheck snap to grid.
Select circle macro.
Right click the grid for start and end (diameter) of circle, apply edit... too big?
Press 'Ctrl' on keyboard and click the Zoom button in shape maker.
Use 'Alt' + left mouse and drag to pan around and find your circle.
Now draw another circle and apply edit, then click zoom to return to original size and you should see a much smaller circle.
NB - if it is selected you might not see it as it will be obscured by control points - either deselect or use left click + Ctrl to hide the control points.

Hope that helps. All the modifier keys are listed at the back of the manual. And do save often! ;)


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Hi Red - many thanks for your reply.  I now realize that what I was trying (small circle the size of the green 'anchor') is not possible.  Interestingly if you click on the auto circle once, then hit Apply Edit - it crashes.  You'd think it would just ignore you ;) .

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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I'm not good at explaining (I'm no better at understanding too!)

You can make a tiny circle smaller than a control point - BUT - what would be the point as it will likely be rendered so small it wouldn't cover a pixel, unless the canvas was huge. Just use the Zoom * 8 (shortcut in the manual).


Interestingly if you click on the auto circle once, then hit Apply Edit - it crashes.  You'd think it would just ignore you ;) .

Will test - thanks for the feedback! (it would be expecting you to put two control points on the canvas).

Thanks again Pixey - I have reported it to TR.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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In the mean time.... don't Apply Edit with only one nub when using the auto circle! :mrgreen:

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I'm sorry about that Pixey. As TR said - we're working on it :).

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No problems @Ego - you chaps are great :D and thank you for such a clever Shape Maker.


(Now wracking my brain for the next thing to draw...... Hmmm ...... $100 bill maybe ;) )


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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I have a question about ShapeMaker after making the same image, repeatedly, it looking, seemingly, appropriate, and appears fine within then installing it I see it is only right within outline of the shape but not fill or fill outline, so, using an image to assist may likely save many posts that have more questions, as well as, perhaps, assist others that will not post with the issue or who may be having the same issue.


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@Scrapbook - are you:-


1.  Holding down the Shift Key and then hitting the Zoom button (in normal mode) on the UI for magnification of 4 ?


2.  Holding down Ctrl key and then hitting the Zoom button (in normal mode) on the UI for magnification of 8 ?


To get rid of any magnification on the button (set it back to normal) just hit the zoom button until it cancels the present setting.

Edited by Pixey
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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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I have a question about ShapeMaker after making the same image, repeatedly, it looking, seemingly, appropriate, and appears fine within then installing it I see it is only right within outline of the shape but not fill or fill outline, so, using an image to assist may likely save many posts that have more questions, as well as, perhaps, assist others that will not post with the issue or who may be having the same issue.

The Tutorials are here:




Part II will answer this.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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The Tutorials are here:




Part II will answer this.

OK, here is my input, and I know others are having trouble but not posting....here is what I figured out, through trial and error and from posting to try to find the remedy for the seemingly perfect images, seemingly perfect images when used in PDN for outline only, but surprising mystery flaws appearing for "fill" and "outline fill":


It is so very important to zoom in as far as one can. Thankfully there is a zoom in x 8 capability, even though the button only says Zoom x 2, going as close as one can is a necessity, not a luxury, and if it can zoom in x 12 that would be even better.


If "joints" don't line up just right and I don't mean almost close to dead center but PERFECTLY, you will likely have issues not immediately recognized, only after the fact, when you think you are done.


NOT zooming in close enough will make your image seem fine when it stands a chance at not being fine, or ONLY being fine for the outline option.  The closer people can get, the better, when zooming.


Be careful not to have multiple lines going over one another. Sometimes it will happen. Make sure they go exactly one over the other as if you can't tell there are two lines. It will look fine and in "outline" of PDN shapes tool, it probably will look awesome but there might be ugly surprises upon fill, outline fill, or when you stretch the image large.


I have found no way to delete a single node/circle when going back over something, to RE-EDIT, not undo after something was performed, but after the fact. As far as I have discovered, I can only delete a portion, not try to back track and maybe delete two or three node circles.


I put a Z in the box of Shapemaker that you can click on and highlight to pick a section to edit, thinking I closed the circle off, well, there is no way of deleting it even though the box pops up with a place for you to rename that section. The added "Z" doesn't show up when you make the box pop up to rename that section to whatever you want to name it to. The Z stays forever unless you delete the entire section/layer. Why would I add a Z there? Well, I was trying to "close it off" In some cases two Zs will appear and it causes an issue.


joints MUST BE lined up as exact as is possible or there may be distortions. You won't see it unless you zoom in as close as possible. You also won't know it until after you are done have inserted the xaml file and put it on your canvas in fill or outline fill, and in some cases you won't notice it even then until you stretch the image large. Little surprises can then show up.


Saving something as a FILL (lit greed led light?) was important to not have odd defective looking images for "fill" and "fill outline", and a few other things.


All in all, this plugin is AWESOME! Use zoom, even if you don't think there is an issue. Use zoom x8  if you cannot see any flaws and you know you are having issues. Make sure corners and jointed areas line up EXACTLY.


Above all, don't get discouraged and don't give up. Keep asking if you have questions. Someone is always around the forum to help.

Edited by ScrapbookWithPDN
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This post is not in any way to embarrass anyone. It is, however, a sign that even for a supreme user of PDN but for ShapeMaker plugin, there is an issue, and, I believe, part of that might be because people cannot zoom in close enough to see and work with a more accurate detail or some of us just don't understand a common issue, for users, to be aware of with this outstanding, awesome plugin.


I went to go use a couple of very cool shapes from a shape pack and this is how some came out. It's an issue others are having but it's not discovered simply using the "outline" shape of a created shape. It's discovered using "fill" and "fill outline". That's why I now post each shape I make and share as outline, fill, outline fill with my shapes I share. I also know I have to test each shape I make stretching it large in each of the three formats now before I use or share it. I didn't use to, because I thought if the shape I made looked find simply in its "outline" form, all was well. Boy, that's just not the case...SURPRISE!


Don't misunderstand me, either, this is a fantastic plugin incredible people made and have shared with the world.


Still, knowing what I have discovered, sometimes shapes look great and I still have to solve the mystery, from time to time, of why there are distortions when viewing them in the fill and outline fill form, because upon examining the image within the plugin, I still have to try to figure out when odd filled in lines are showing up in places not even used for anything, where lines have not even gone to make an image, or why an area is not filling when everything looks ok.


I also share this in case it is helpful for a developer/developer crew. If it's just a user problem then maybe help us better understand something we will commonly do improperly?


What is this common issue, maybe in layman's terms, that so many are not doing to prevent this? So many of us are in love with this plugin and want to use it the best to our abilities.


Thank you for your time.



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Within ShapeMaker plugin, under the "File" menu, top left area, in the drop down menu, upon clicking on "File" two of the selections appear to be the same function, yet worded differently. One is "Save PDN image". The other is "Export PathGeometry". If someone is smart enough to even know what "Export PathGeometry" is for or means, odds are they will know that since "Save as PDN image" gives the same file extension as .xaml upon selecting it, wouldn't a person who commonly works with "PathGeometry" knowledge already figure out that they can accomplish the same purpose when saving a file to "Save as PDN image"? Both save the image to .xaml. Why not just offer a straight to the point save feature as "Save as .xaml file" as it can be known to go wherever the person selects it to be saved to, be it in a file one created an image in, and/or to the directory. Just a thought to, perhaps, decrease confusion or repetitiveness, which, in turn, may cause confusion. I'm not ungrateful just confused as to why two save selections save the file in the same file extension.


What is the difference between the two since both appear to save a file as .xaml? If there is no difference, is there a chance it is not necessarily needed to also include an option of "Export PathGeometry" and may cause some confusion for the user if a users isn't a programmer or mathematician? Wouldn't a person with said knowledge know if a file saves as .xaml they can select different places to save it to on their computer?

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