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layer selection problem

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Hi,I've been trying to find a solution to this.

Deselecting a layer jumps focus to nearest layer,then reselecting the original doesn't put you on that layer, leaving you on the wrong layer.

I'm finding this confusing and it causes accidents.

Does anyone else find this?

There is no preference in settings to change this.

maybe there's a work-around?


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Deselecting a layer jumps focus to nearest layer,then reselecting the original doesn't put you on that layer, leaving you on the wrong layer.

I can't repro this. Can you provide more detail?  How are you deselecting and selecting a layer? I'm clicking in the layers window and I can only "select" a layer. Did you mean deleting a layer? I would think not since you can reselect it.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
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Hello TR,


I think he means that when a layer is unchecked the active layer becomes the closest one that is checked. However, when you tick again the layer that you just unchecked it does not make it automatically the active layer.

Edited by Eli
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As far as I remember this is by design. The reason is to avoid that you modify a layer by mistake which has been made invisible. So if you like to modify this invisible layer you have to select it again (but you will not see your modifications).


In general a layer has two status flags: Visible/Invisible and Selected/Unselected. So it's best to use these terms.

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As I said it's a design decission. Which means there are pros and cons and Rick decided that the current solution is the winner.


> Surely making the layer visible by checking the box should also select it?

Not always it depends what ou like to do and how you are working.


> wouldn't it be also better to not allow edits to invisible layers?

Sometimes it makes sense to work on an invisible layer. Maybe you like to copy something to it.

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