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Selection tool overselection suggestion

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We moved the forums recently, so all the old posts are over here --> http://www.lightspeed.nu/paintdotnet/

The way the selections work right now is a result of us maintaining a single GraphicsPath object for the selection outline. It only supports either inclusive or 'xor' scanline conversion; we can't specify which one we want for each path fragment.

The reason we've waited to redo the selections is because we've had other priorities, and also because it's a complicated problem from design and engineering perspectives. But once we have it in place it will allow us to essentially have as much freedom with selections as anyone could ever possibly hope for. Like I said though, it's a difficult problem, for many reasons. So instead of jumping in and hacking out a crappy solution, I've been chewing on the problem in the background (so to speak), and have been working on other features that are easier and highly requested. Things like alternate measurement units (inches and centimeters), updates notification and installation, performance, and localization/translation support.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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FYI, selection union and subtraction has been implemented and will be present in the first alpha release of Paint.NET v2.2. We are still working on scaling and rotation, but hey ... one step at a time.

* Left mouse button replaces the current selection.

* Ctrl+left mouse button performs union (currently it does "XOR", aka original + new - (intersection of original and new) )

* Right mouse button does subtraction

* Ctrl+right mouse button does "XOR"

The performance is currently troublesome but we're working on it of course.

So to do what you describe above, you'd draw the original selection using the left mouse button, then 'cut out' the areas you don't want using the right mouse button.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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