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Request: Constrain angle on move operations

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Rotation operations (like rotate selection, selected pixels, shapes) allow you to constrain the angle to a multiple of 15 degrees if the SHIFT key is pressed.


IMHO it would make sense to extend this feature to move operations.

This would make it much easier to move something exactly horizontal, vertical, or one of the other constrained angles.

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midoras signature.gif

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Hmm ... not a bad idea. I've filed a bug. (no promises as to when it'll be implemented, as usual :) )


In the meantime you can use the arrow keys. Holding Control will move by 10 pixels.

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It's a little bit more complex to implement it in a usable way than I thought.

The distance to the drag start must be taken in to acount to decide which angles should be possible.

Means if the distance is small then only horizontal and vertical should be allowed, then in the next step the 45 degree step, and later the 15 degree steps. If you are not doing this then the object jumps around to much for short distances (highdpi must be respected).


A simular extension may be usefull for the size operations. In this case the constrain condition could be to get different ratios like 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, ...

So instead just to constrain to a circle you may constrain to ellipses with different ratios (where the 1:1 case is the circle).

midoras signature.gif

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Outer ring on of the Roll Control (Rotate/Zoom) is buggy when Shift is held down.

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I often have the need to move objects/selections horizontally or vertically. For smaller distances I use thw arrow keys and the Control key. For larger distances, I always use MadJik's Panelling plugin.


The use of the Move Pixels tool with the Control key will be of great help.


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