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How to highlight an area easily?

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When I create images for my presentation I do the following.


  1. Pick a not so horny rectangle.
  2. Change the width to 5.
  3. Change the color to red.
  4. Select the area to be emphasized.
  5. Invert the area.
  6. Blur out the rest.
  7. Select the area to be emphasized again.
  8. Widden the selection by a certain amout in each direction.
  9. Crop.

Is there a way to create a macro, plugin or whatever magic there might be to my disposal to automate the process? Ultimately, I'd like to do this.

  1. Select the areato be emphasized.
  2. Pick something form the menus or punch a shortcut.

If there is a way, I'd be sooo happy...

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Plugins cannot crop. Neither can they change what is outside of a selection. So you're going to have to do this in at least two steps. One for the inner selection and one for the inverted selection.

Check out this new scripting plugin http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31689-paintnet-scriptor/

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How about posting a before and after pic so we can see what you're after?

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