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Creating a Soccer/Football


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This tutorial was first posted by kake_fisk in April 2009. l have redone it, adding a few extra steps of my own, using newer plugins and (hopefully) an improved result at the end.

A few plugins are used -
Bevel Selection and Inner Shadow Selection from Boltbait`s Plugin Pack available here.
Hexgonal Grid from Madjic`s plugin pack available here.
Engrave/Emboss from Toli`s plugin pack available here.
Shape3D by MKT available here.

This is what we will be creating.



Bear in mind you will need to change the Flood Mode of the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools to either Contigious or Global several times during the tutorial. This can be done by clicking on the highlighted section.

OK here we go.
1. New image, any size as long as it is square. I made mine 600x600.Rename it Gridlines.



2. On that layer run Effects>Render>Hexagonal Grid at the settings shown.




3. Next do Effects>Stylize>Outline at default settings. You could always just increase the width of the lines when using the Hexa Grid plugin but I chose to follow the original tutorial here.



4. Duplicate the layer. Rename the new layer `Panels'. Select the Magic Wand, default tolerance, with the Flood Mode set to Global.

Click inside one of the hexagons and you should select them all like in the image.



5. Pick the Paint Bucket tool, Flood Mode back to Contigious, choose your colour, and click only inside the hexagons needed for your ball. Mine is just a standard football pattern for the tutorial but there are numerous styles to choose from.



6. With the hexagons still selected go to the Gridlines layer and Delete. This will leave just the Gridlines on this layer.



Then Select the Magic Wand again, change the Flood Mode back to Global and select the hexagons like in Step4. Ctrl-I to invert the selection, go to the Panels layer and again press Delete. This should leave  you with just the grid on one layer and the panels on the other. We have separated them out as they will need to be like this to continue with the next stage.



7.Turn off the Panels layer if you wish so you can see the Gridlines layer below. Once again select the hexagons- Magic Wand at Global(you must be pretty good at this by now! ;) ), turn the Panels layer back on again so you can see the effect of the plugin and make it the active layer




Use Effects>Selection>Bevel Selection at these settings.




To give you this.




8. Then on the same layer,leaving the Selection active, use Effects>Selection>Inner Shadow Selection at these settings 




9. After deselecting you should have a football texture like this



10. Now on the Gridlines layer use Effects>Stylize>Engrave/Emboss at these settings. This is to try to bring out the panels and not to have a finish that is too flat.




leaving the layer looking like this.



11. Either merge or flatten the layers. Then use Effects>Render>Shape3D at these settings-



And Voila! We are finished.



Save as a png file to use in your projects.


Hope you enjoyed this tutorial . :)


Now lets see some action!

Edited by Woodsy
Rehosted to Postimage.
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Thanks DrewDale. I want to try out different shaped panels if possible. If you look at Premier League footballs they have `stretched' hexagons (best way I could think of describing it.)  :)


Thanks Barbie. Third tut in a week! A record for me. ;)



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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I like the use of the Astro Turf DrewDale. Did you make it, how? 

Coloured a new layer green, added noise then rotate / zoom to make it slightly out of focus, and in perspective with the sky.  I played around with the colour level on the noise until it looked right. :)



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Very nice tute Gooney.  That Hexagonal grid is surely versatile.  Some great results from folks on here.


Herewith my take on it.





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Playing around today, I made a full 360 degree bump map. I cheated a little by tracing a map I found online, then added the beveling and shadowing, it's about 98% clean. It will go well with full 360 degree rotation in a 3D program. I can post it if anyone wants it.


Here it is rendered out.




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