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Can't drag and drop into paint.net

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please provide more informationabout  what you are doing exactly and what's the result of the action. So

- what do you mean with paint.net tab? The icon in the taskbar, the desktop icon, a location in the paint.net window.

- what's the type of the image

- is there an error message


If you are dragging to the taskbar icon then you have to press shift to get the 'open in paint.net' action (but there is no difference between Windows 7 and 8.1).

midoras signature.gif

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If paint.net is being run as an Administrator (under elevated privileges), Windows won't allow drag-and-drop.

It is possible that paint.net is running as Administrator without your knowledge if you just installed it and checked the "run paint.net" box at the end of the installer.

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It is possible that paint.net is running as Administrator without your knowledge if you just installed it and checked the "run paint.net" box at the end of the installer.


Not likely. I have some very special (aka annoying :) ) code that launches things with "demoted" privilege.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Can't drag and drop into paint.net
  • 1 year later...
On 1/18/2015 at 1:00 PM, LMQ said:

I can't drag and drop an image into my paint.net tab, is it because I have Windows 8?



I had the same issue, and realized that the only things I couldn't drag and drop were files that weren't extracted. So, make sure you extract the file and then you should be able to open it up in paint.net!

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