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Teaching Paint.NET in the classroom

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Hi all,

Just a longwinded preamble:

I am an inner city classroom in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, who has discovered and fallen in love with Paint.NET. At the beginning of this month, I am teaching a Digital Photography half class to my inner city students, most of whom have very little to no photo editing experience (short of removing red eye) and am figuring out some way to use Paint.NET in my classroom. I have set it up where I am using only 4 programs to teach the kids with (FastStone Viewer, Irfanview, Paint.NET, and GIMP) I was only given a budget of $1000, and I spend all of that on digital cameras, cases, memory cards, and a book… so Photoshop was out of the question (to license it for 1 computer, was around $125 per computer… ouch) So I love that Paint.NET is such a fantastic program that is powerful and free. Plus, I purposely chose free programs, because if these programs are free, the kids (who have a computer) can download them at home and have fun there.

My question is what might be a general conscientious as to which tutorials to teach the kids to use. I will be teaching Paint.NET for roughly 10 classes. In that time, 1 class will be dedicated to introducing it. I usually spend 1 class teaching, and 2 letting the kids work and play with the assignment. So roughly, I want to teach 3 or 4 tutorials, depending on how well the kids “get itâ€

Every artist is a cannibal,

Every poet is a thief.

Both kill their inspiration,

Then sing about their grief.

- U2, “The Flyâ€

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How about getting a competition on duplicating a certain image.

Like this:


It may be imposible to duplicate, but it's worth a try. You should get them to add their own names instead of CMD.

Another idea is to get them to create a simple animated GIF (look at the tutorials).

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

twtr | dA | tmblr | yt | fb

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How about getting a competition on duplicating a certain image.

Like this:


I am in the middle of putting together a tutorial on that kind of sig. Specifically, this one:


if you'd like your students to have steps to try to make something like that, I can try to finish it before next month rolls around.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Unless you already uploaded the pictures, can you upload it to wiki? I would like to post it in the wikibook without having to re-upload everything (Save images as...>Upload image>Browse>Description>Slow upload).

"The greatest thing about the Internet is that you can write anything you want and give it a false source." ~Ezra Pound

twtr | dA | tmblr | yt | fb

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I have all the images uploaded here:

http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b37/c ... gs/sigtut/

But I can handle uploading them to WikiBook, once I get the tutorial steps finalized.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I would suggest you the excellent "Coloring in a black and white image"


As suggested to Boltbait (for similar request), ask them to turn a picture from spring/summer time to winter time (no tut sorry).

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Thanks all for your tips.

Yes, I am trying to use Paint.NET primarily for photo editing. I'll use it for cropping, background editing (blurs, complete changes), black and white and sepia gradients (I LOVE that tutorial), and cloning out features that people may not want (zits, blemishes and backgrounds)

I'll keep you all posted as to how it is going

Every artist is a cannibal,

Every poet is a thief.

Both kill their inspiration,

Then sing about their grief.

- U2, “The Flyâ€

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