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1/2 & 1/2 Sig Game

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Ok here's how ha game works, someone makes starts making a sig then leaves room for someone else to complete it. You can either make only one side of the sig or just get a basic background, shape, etc. Just make sure that you make it easy for someone to add onto it ;) .

So someone will post up there part of the sig (pdn and image)then whoever wants to continue that sig must post saying so, then when they are done they can either start there own and post it or let someone else do it. Make sense? I hope so cause here we go:


^Click to Download PDN^


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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Alright. I'll give it a go. I'm just warning you that I'm not quite as skilled as all the other wonderful folks here, so it won't be anything mind-blowing. We'll see how it turns out...


Okay. I fiddled with things and ended up getting this...


Like I said, it's nothing wonderfully fantastic or exceptional. But nifty-looking, I suppose.

Quick question, though. I have the startings of another banner for others to play with. But it doesn't have the different layers anymore; it's been flattened into one image. Is that okay? If so, here's the half of a sig, reduced down to one layer.


If it needs to have all of its separate layers, someone else can go ahead and give a banner to play with; I don't know how to save it and upload so that the layers still stay.

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I don't know who would want this as a sig, but, hey. It looks cool.

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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