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Reset Tool Window Positions

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Resetting the position of the Utility Windows is a manual job now ;)


I told Rick users would miss that feature!

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  • 4 weeks later...

That is what the settings dialog is for. :D


I hope you're aren't suggesting the idea that someone would need to open up the settings dialog to access a 'reset window locations' function. I say keep the settings dialog for settings... and nothing else. Again, just my two cents; do what you want.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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I would like it in the settings. I feel the preset child-window locations is a default setting for those windows. I also feel the location and positioning of the child windows counts as being part of paint.net's “User Interface” (see settings). There aren't a lot of settings for paint.net's UI, but a child-window location setting would be nice, even if it's only a setting to set them back to their default locations. ;)
For some other ideas, it might also be cool to have other settings for the child-windows, such as locking them in place (some people may not want them to be drag-able, they might prefer a locked UI), and a save/load work space feature would be neat (this is a feature available in other programs). There could also be a “flipped” locations option, like allowing the default locations to be mirrored for left handed people. (tools colors on right side, history layers on left.)

Those are just my thoughts though. I would be happy with simply having the reset windows option back (with or without a left-handed option). :)

However, maybe there is a reason it is not in 4.0, such as the coding couldn't be configured without issues. So any wanting of the option back, and any new ideas, might just be wishful thinking.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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"Reset Window Locations" only existed to serve as a troubleshooting "help! fix it!" button. In 4.0 a lot of the code in this area changed (for the better), and there haven't been reports of the windows disappearing or getting stuck outside of the monitor. There's just no need for it anymore.

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  • 7 months later...

Rick seemed pretty sure about not bringing it back, but maybe he'll change his mind. In the meantime, this is an old thread and, as per rule #11, I will be closing this thread. Feel free to start a new one linking to this thread if you wish to continue the discussion. Thanks!

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