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How To Install Ulead Particle Plugin In 32-bit Window 7


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Hi !


I don't know how many of you really want to play with Ulead Particle Plugin ( Photoshop .8bf files ) in Paint.NET, somehow just want to forget it since Windows 7 or higher can't install the .exe file. I hope this tutorial can help.







And I'm assuming that all of you having null54's special plugin installed in your Paint.NET before installing this plugin, so lets start !


Steps :


1. Get your .exe files from this site : http://plugintop.com/category/music-video/ulead/

2. Go to Control Panel. Choose Programs




3. Choose the option shown on the screen capture below :




4. Click next, when a window like in the screen capture below popped up.




5. Wait for the machine to work, until a window ( like in the picture below ) popped up. Choose

'Not Listed'.




6. This window will popped out on your screen. Browse to find where your downloaded .exe file was saved.




7. Find the .exe file and open it. Click next when another window popped up. Choose 'Troubleshoot Programs' afterwards.




8. This window will show up after choosing 'Troubleshoot Programs'. Just click 'Next'.




And the window below popped up afterwards. 




Choose 'Windows98/Windows ME'.


9. Choose ' Start The Program' when this window popped up.




User Account Control screen will popped up. Just choose 'Yes'. 


10. After choosing 'Yes', two windows will popped up in the same time. Here are how they looked like and how we should respond to it :


Window #1




Click 'Yes'.


Window #2




Choose the first option.


11. This window will come out immediately.




Choose 'Finish', And the installation will started immediately. Just follow the directions step-by-step and the installer will installing the .8bf files to the chosen location.


12. Oh yeah, there're another window shows up. Just choose 'Close' and you have done !





Post-installation :


Run your .8bf filter plugin on Paint.NET and choose 'Search Directories', then add your newly installed Ulead Particle Plugin to the list.



All The Best !


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After doing an internet search on what the Ulead Particle plugin is, it looks really cool. I'll have to try out your tutorial and install the plugin sometime. :)

Just a question though, I see this tutorial is for windows 7 32bit, which is nice since that's what my OS is, but will this tutorial work for windows 7 64bit also?

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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After doing an internet search on what the Ulead Particle plugin is, it looks really cool. I'll have to try out your tutorial and install the plugin sometime. :)

Just a question though, I see this tutorial is for windows 7 32bit, which is nice since that's what my OS is, but will this tutorial work for windows 7 64bit also?


I don't know, sorry. 

One thing for sure, by providing 'Run programs made for previous version of Windows' option, Windows 7 still can operating Windows 7 non- compatible softwares/applications. If this option available in 64-bit version, then Ulead Particle plugin .exe file highly possibly be able to run as in 32-bit version too.

Edited by Nai


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Just a question though, I see this tutorial is for windows 7 32bit, which is nice since that's what my OS is, but will this tutorial work for windows 7 64bit also?


The installer works for me on Windows 8.1 64-bit.


If you receive the following error message, you must relaunch Paint.NET as an administrator.



My guess is that the plugin attempts to write it's settings to the Windows directory and exits with that error message if it fails.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

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