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Newer Paint.Net radically better than 3.5.11?

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Sorry if this was already asked before, and also if its too a loaded Q then no problem.

As I mentioned in past, I don't see myself bothering to get a Win7 or later system for the foreseeable future. My question is - would old-version users be at a HUGE disadvantage due to non-updating?

I.E. is it radically improved (rendering 3.5.11 sorta primitive by comparison?

I'm most comfortable with Advocates of Transparent RepairCare (vs. Stealthcare) no matter their graphic expertise.


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I'm sure Rick Brewster made some cornerstone improvements in the plumbing, but on the surface where the user is, not a whole lot changed. There are some nice new features, like sampling the image, anti-aliased selections, and more shapes to choose from, rotating selections (and surely others I forgot), but for users, it's not so different that the change is radical. It's not worth updating your system for if you have to go out of your way to do it.

Edited by AnthonyScoffler
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Support on this forum will be limited to 4.x. That means you may not get help when asking about 3.5.11.

If you have the means to upgrade Windows it is highly recommended due to the increasing vulnerability of XP. This alone should be a powerful incentive to upgrade.

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Version 4+ is far better, the new features are excellent, I love the little puzzle icons in the sub menu's that indicate a plugin that does not ship with pdn, the GUI's on the plugins are nice on the eye, it is faster and sleeker, It is like getting out of a BMW and driving a Mercedes. :D 


I have to say, if I was running XP, I would not even think of using the internet on it. The upgrade path has been affordable for a long time now (Even Windows 7 was) I know some people don't have the funds on tap,to upgrade,  but now that XP support has ended, I would say - you can't afford not to upgrade. ;)

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now that XP support has ended, I would say - you can't afford not to upgrade. ;)

This, a million times this. You're putting your data at risk, you're putting your computer at risk, and you're putting the internet at risk - your computer may already be being used as part of a botnet or DDoS attack. Do yourself and the rest of the world a favor, and upgrade your computer.

Do you drink Starbucks? Brew some coffee at home for two weeks instead and protect your PC. Do you eat lunch or dinner at a fast food restaurant? Brown bag it for a week and make your life simpler. Honestly, I can't imagine that anyone with an ounce of self-control couldn't find a way to save up $70 and upgrade.


If you're running Windows XP, Paint.NET support is the least of your concern.  Upgrade.  Seriously.  Before something terrible happens (and it will).  Your computer is a ticking time bomb, and as NN said, you can't afford not to defuse it.

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The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I hear, and thanks for the well-rounded answers! B)

As for the rest, I explained where I'm at in the past, including asked advice. It's a loaded issue. For now I remain lagging with my vulnerable thinkpads and my non-supported "dangerous" 3.xx Chevy. But taking it into perspective - nearly the whole world now is fried smoke... :lightning:

I'm most comfortable with Advocates of Transparent RepairCare (vs. Stealthcare) no matter their graphic expertise.


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