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More customizations!

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Ever wanted to customize your Paint.NET? I think it's a good idea. This is what I expect:

- customizable toolbars (add, remove or move different options)

- skins for the buttons, i mean those buttons (not skins for the whole program):


- more toolbars would be cool too

- customizable 'colors' (add your own favorite colors etc.) and 'tools'

- movable toolbars (down, right, left...)

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customizable toolbars (add, remove or move different options)

Already answered.

- skins for the buttons, i mean those buttons (not skins for the whole program)


- more toolbars would be cool too

Just ... Why? Just to say "Heh look this s|_|p3r 133T pr0gr4m have 12454 toolbars!! that's so c00l!!"


- customizable 'colors' (add your own favorite colors etc.) and 'tools'

1. Did you ask about colors in the palette? Already exist. Colors of the interface? See your display properties.

2. "Security" reasons & code management. You have codelab. Be happy with it.

- movable toolbars (down, right, left...)

Same as the first.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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What do you mean already answered Bob?

Just ... Why? Just to say "Heh look this s|_|p3r 133T pr0gr4m have 12454 toolbars!! that's so c00l!!"


I was thinking about a personal toolbar with selected plugins (just drag & drop my favorites on it) that you use every day etc.

Sorry didn't know I can add my own color to the palette.

and RaveN

I don't want to change anything in my system, those options should be available over Paint.NET settings...oh wait there aren't any options of the program (I mean accessible properties) at all.

and about the icons on toolbars I wanted to use Tango icons:


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Already answered means it has been already answered many many times.

Use the search, Luke.

Your idea may be a good way in organizing effects but as stated Rick:

Ability to organize/manage effects -- This one's interesting. Now that there are so many plugins available, people now need the ability to organize them, like into sub-menus or something. Will probably make it into a 3.x0 release (3.10? 3.20?)

I think I should better not respond the tenth "but I want skins!" statement of the week.

The George point is not so far.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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