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paint.net 4.0.2 is now available

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This update is focused on fixing a few key regressions in functionality from 3.5, as well as fixing some other small (but important!) bugs.


As usual, you can download it directly from the website, or you can use the built-in updater via Settings –> Updates –> Check Now.


Changes since 4.0.1:

  • Fixed the gamma and contrast for text rendering on some systems where the wrong values were being used ("rainbow" text)

  • Colors window now correctly lets you paste a hex color value that starts with a hash, e.g. #112233

  • Gradient tool now lets you reverse a transparency gradient by clicking the right mouse button on one of the handles (regression from 3.5)

  • Move Selected Pixels now lets you hold Control to leave a copy of the selected area behind on the initial move (regression from 3.5)

  • Paint Bucket tool’s hatch fill modes weren’t working with the Overwrite blending mode (regression from 3.5)

  • Fixed a keyboard tabbing issue in the Resize dialog (regression from 3.5)

  • Fixed the language setting in the Settings dialog not always allowing you to set it to English if your system’s default language is non-English

  • Fixed a performance issue that caused images with many layers (50+) to take a VERY long time to open, close, or even switch away from (regression from 3.5)

  • Fixed a rare crash at application exit

  • Fixed an issue that prevented 4.0.1 from installing on top of 4.0 when using the MSI (e.g. AD/GPO network deployment)

  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the installer to take 30+ seconds to appear



  • Upvote 4

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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ahh - i should have read your comment above ..... :roll:



The program does not switch the interface language when i change it in the preferences?

It uses the region settings of windows?


Is this a known bug?

Edited by fixandfoxy
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I noticed one feature when using the tool "Gradient" with the option "Antialiasing enabled".

1. So, draw a gradient


2. Then select the "Magic Wand" and change the "Tolerance" to 0%

3. and make a selection in the area of ​​"1" or "2".


4. After step "3", we see that in the area of ​​"1" and "2" is the noise.



As I understand it, in the area of ​​"1" and "2" noise should not be. Maybe it's a bug?

In "GIMP" and "Photoshop" when using the tool "Gradient"(with the option "Antialiasing enabled") this noise does not appear.


By the way, when using the option "Transparency Mode" noise also remains in the clear zone.


upd: video - http://www.mediafire.com/download/3slj0dc0leadzob/noise.zip

Edited by PaintNetRus
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Won't install, just gives me a 1603 error. Checked the log and this was all I saw:


"32-bit MSI may not be installed on 64-bit OS."


So is there a way I can get it to install? I really need the application.


Current specs:

Win. 7 Home Premium SP1, 64 Bit

Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700@3GHz

Nvidia GeForce GT640 2GB

2/4GB RAM (Current Amount)

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Install using the EXE, not the MSI.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I DID. But the MSI gives that error resulting in the EXE giving me fatal error 1603.


EDIT: Simply put, the EXE is failing because the MSI it's supposed to execute won't install on a 64 bit os.

Edited by ABilly05
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