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Paint.NET 4.0 -- Feature Highlights from the blog.

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Paint.NET 4.0, Feature Highlights from the blog. :)
We don't have a 4.0 documentation yet, and there are hardly any videos for 4.0, but these feature highlights from when we were getting sneak peeks or beta updates explain some of the new and cool stuff of 4.0. Take Note though, some of the things from the 4.0 beta versions have been updated or slightly re-changed for the final 4.0 release. However, most functions are similar enough that these blog posts still help to bring better understand to the new features of 4.0, and show what 4.0 can do. B)
This video shows off the paint bucket tool, however, some of it's tool options are the same for other Paint.4.0 tools. So when you use your tools, check out your tool options.
This blog post is about brushes, plus pictures of shapes and their new rotating ability.

The rotating ability can also be used for selected objects, the "Move Selected Pixels" tool, and the "Move Selection" tool.
A list of new fetures with pictures.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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