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How would I change an image?

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Since I'm still very much a novice at this photo editing thing, I'm not even sure what terms or features I should use to describe what I wanna do.


But what I'd *like* to do is change the image of the sign Michelle Obama is holding to an image of my own. I can see that she's holding it at a slight angle too.


How would I do this with Paint.net?


Thanks for any help! :)


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Perhaps try Layers > Import from file to bring up your picture on a new layer, then Layers > Rotate / Zoom to position your picture so that it covers the sign. Press enter or deselect >  :Deselect:  before you do the rotate / zoom step. :)





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Ty, NN.


So let me see if I got that:

- Layers > Import from file to bring up the Obama pic.


-Layers > Import from file to bring up my image.


-Press enter or deselect


-Layers > Rotate / Zoom to position your picture so that it covers the sign.  (I *might* need to stretch my image a but to fit the sign. Dunno how)




Something like that?

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1 - Open up your Obama picture

2 - Use Layers > import from file to bring up your picture

3 - Enter / Deselect

4 - Layers > Rotate / zoom to position your picture to cover the sign


If you wish to stretch your image you could use the move tool :MoveTool: and manipulate the image into shape that way.  You could also resize your own image down a little to make placing it easier :)


Alternatively you could use this plugin from TechnoRobbo http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26672-trs-distort-this-plugin-v263-feb-12th-2014/


I hope this is of help :)





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Ok, great! I'll try it again later.

The only other obstacle I can see though is her fingers. My new image would cover them and it'd look bad.

How would I avoid that?

One option would be to duplicate the Obama picture, then select the fingers using this tool  :RectangleSelectTool: (Rectangle Select)  then using this tool (Move Selection)  :MoveSelectionTool: right click and rotate the selection until you are happy with the positioning then copy  :Copy: and paste  :Paste:  the fingers onto your image (layer) that you have placed your picture on.

Remember you will have to do this for both sides of the image individually.



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Hi Rickenbacker and Welcome.  Some great suggestions here.  Or ............ in pictures, you could try this:

http://i.imgur.com/ZPixmVl.png      1.  Open PDN     2.  Import your picture.   3.  Type your new text on layer 3.

http://i.imgur.com/jXeDkOw.png    4.  Move your text layer below Michelle & merge with white background.  5.  Cut out the text layer and make a new


layer and add it on layer 3.

http://i.imgur.com/7B7hNC9.png   6.  Uncheck the white background layer.  On layer 3 use the Rectangle select and Move Tools to position the new text.


Fill in the transparent areas that appear and erase around her fingers.  Finally merge everything down and use the Rectangle select and Image - crop to selection.

To finally achieve this result: QsZhYgY.png


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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I really appreciate everyone's patience here. Thank you.


BUT.... with DrewDale's advice with the duplicate Obama pic, (which I easily did), I'm now lost on where that step fits into NiteN's 2nd reply.

It'd be so much easier if there were a video tutorial for this. I know there are a bunch on Youtube, but I'm not sure what keywords I'd use to find it.

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BUT.... with DrewDale's advice with the duplicate Obama pic, (which I easily did), I'm now lost on where that step fits into NiteN's 2nd reply.


Basically all you would be doing different to what nitenurse replied is duplicate the obama picture, so you have another image to copy the fingers from. 



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Thank you again. What might the name of this procedure be? Or what is the main feature (or features) being used here?

At a guess I would say it would be called adding perspective to a picture, Using rotate / zoom to position your image "off angle".



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Thanks, everyone. You've been fantastic. Alas- I do think I need visual aid for this. Might be too advanced a project for me to do properly. Still can't wrap my head around doing the copy of the fingers (then opening another "layer" to paste them where I want them on the sign?)

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Hi @Rickenbacker. I will do a video for you if this doesn't help.

1. Open paint.NET and upload your picture.

2. Duplicate the picture (only once – unlike what I did in the image.

3. Use the Lasso to cut out the hands on one image. Hold down Ctrl to cut out both at the same time. Go to Edit and Cut.

4. Make a new layer and Paste the hands into this layer. Delete the image you took the hands from.


5. Import the new image (I used a hamburger) and use the Rectangle Tool to turn and place the image where you want it.

6. Make a new layer and with the Line Tool make a curved line for the angle of the right side of where the photo curves in Michelle’s image.

7. With the Magic wand tool click on the right side of the line so that is becomes ‘active’, then switch to the hamburger layer and hit delete on your computer. This will chop the unwanted area from the hamburger picture. Use Feather and AA’s Assistant on the hamburger layer. Then delete the line layer, or uncheck the layer.


8. Then move the HANDS layer above the hamburger and use Feather and AA’s again.


Finally you can go to Image and Flatten and then use the rectangle tool to cut the picture, save to .png or .jpeg and end up with this:


Good Luck

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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Your imported image is a LOT larger than the Michelle image. When Paint.NET opened the second image the canvas holding the original was enlarged to compensate for the the larger size.

You're on the right track - don't worry!

Before you do the import, find the approximate size of the area where you want the new image to be and resize the large image to that size (Image > Resize - type in the dimensions). If you do this then the second image will be the right size when the import is done. The canvas will not be resized as part of the import.

That make any sense? :D

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Oh dear - I totally forgot to mention the sizes of the images I used :/ .


The Hamburger image was 264 x 191]

Michelle image was 300 x 336            ]       save them to a folder on your desk top and navigate to them there.


I made a video for you, but the quality, when it's on full screen, is not too great, but you must by now be familiar with the interface of PDN so you should see the steps (I need to work on my screen capture skills as I've become rusty) Oh ........... and I used a cat this time round cathug.gif

P.S. When you see the lines being used with the magic wand, when it's 'active' go back to the kitty layer and hit 'delete' on your keyboard.

Good Luck smiley-greet013.gif

Edited by Pixey
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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Pixey- Thanks a million! The video was an enormous help!  Far more steps than I would've realized otherwise. I was successful! I had to start over a few times, but I managed to do it. I also had to download 2 plugins you used that I didn't have. (Align Object & AA's Assistant)


I guess it might help in the future if I just played with some of the features just to see what they do & how they work. 


Thanks again!  :)

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You are most welcome @Rick :) .  Yes, it's difficult when you first begin to get the 'steps' right ...... but you will learn more in time and doing some of the excellent tutorials on this forum is what got me going in the beginning. 


Happy PDNing B)


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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