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Selection suggestion

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It would be handy if there was a key combination (like Alt?) that would allow you to click to begin a selection in the center of your desired selection and as you drag, the selection grows in all directions keeping your original point as the center of your selection.

So, for example, with circle selection, you would be basically drawing the radius of a circle.

If we can't have that, can we get crosshair "+" at the center of the selection area when moving/adjusting the size of a selection?

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Try using the gradient tool on a separate layer.

The square and circle grad's draw from the center.

Then you can use the magic wand tool with your desired tolerance settings to select a section of the gradient and apply that selection to the layer below.


I just tried it and it works exactly as I suspected.

I know it would be nice to have that functionality available for the selection tools, but we can only ask for so much...


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It would be handy if there was a key combination (like Alt?) that would allow you to click to begin a selection in the center of your desired selection and as you drag, the selection grows in all directions keeping your original point as the center of your selection.

I second that.


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