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Paint.NET "Megalo Pack?" Link help?

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I have recently got my laptop repaired and in doing so have wiped all my files [so frustrating] so I've had to try and download everything I had from scratch.


Anyway, I have Paint.NET. Last time I downloaded Paint.NET I had gotten the 'Megalo' package downloaded after to give my Paint.NET a little bit of 'oomph' that it needed to make it one of the best editing programs in history. Anyhow, I've forgotten the link to the megalo downloading page and searching up Megalo for Paint.NET only brings up one page. I'm not sure if it is a virus or not having researched up and found a thread on this stating he or she got a virus from downloading the Megalo package. Anyhow, I've searched it on youtube and it brings up the link that I'm not sure about. So, I'm just wondering if anyone here can clarify the real Paint.NET link for the Megalo Package? I'd be grateful for any help provided.


Also, if it helps any, the link I'm not sure about is thus;





An account made for help threads [:

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Bad idea. Very bad idea. There be dragons there.


And by dragons I mean you'll probably get a virus. And, they're redistributing all of those plugins without permission from the plugin authors. It's pretty disgusting.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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^^ What Pyro said :)


The 'megalo' pack is a collection of stolen plugins and contains malware. The plugins are also mostly out of date. It is only safe to download plugins from this site or sites linked to by the plugin's author. If you had it before that's probably why you needed your computer repaired - there is no safe 'megalo' pack!

- Safe, original and up-to-date versions of the plugins can all be found on this site, via the plug-in index.
Sorry if that sounds grumpy - we're only trying to save you headaches!

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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^^ What Pyro said :)


The 'megalo' pack is a collection of stolen plugins and contains malware. The plugins are also mostly out of date. It is only safe to download plugins from this site or sites linked to by the plugin's author. If you had it before that's probably why you needed your computer repaired - there is no safe 'megalo' pack!

- Safe, original and up-to-date versions of the plugins can all be found on this site, via the plug-in index.

Sorry if that sounds grumpy - we're only trying to save you headaches!

No, but seriously do I have to download everything individually?


Also, nah, it was a physical problem that needed my computer repaired, not a 'mental' problem like a virus or whatnot.

Edited by Paintnethelpme
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Remember, plugins slow the load time of Paint.NET. Why would you stuff many plugins in there that you're never going to use?

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Remember, plugins slow the load time of Paint.NET. Why would you stuff many plugins in there that you're never going to use?

Not sure. Just to know you have them, I guess?


Anyway, guys, thanks for the replys. Everyone has been really helpful! (:


Despite being slightly put off using paint.NET due to the individual plugins news, I still love Paint.NET.

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Despite being slightly put off using paint.NET due to the individual plugins news, I still love Paint.NET.

Don't be put off, just install what you think you need, the plugin index will always be on the forum for when you want to grab a new one and it will be up to date and virus free. 



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This newbie sounds fishy to me.

I think it was a perfectly valid question from a slightly lazy user.  :-)  Nothing fishy about that.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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This topic prompted me to issue a warning about the megalo pack http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28270-megalo-virus/?p=408182

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