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Problem While Creating Release


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WARNING: Long post, contains text of a BuildLog.htm

When I compile Paint.NET on my PC, I get the following error:

error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Making setup packages ..." in Setup Config.

However, the build got far enough to create the following 4 files in src\\Setup\\Release:




PaintDotNet_3_0.zip ( contains PaintDotNet_3_0.exe)

I don't know if these are the only files that go into the Setup\\Release directory, because it seems to die while trying to add PaintDotNet_3_0_WithDotNet.exe to the ZIP file, which it says doesn't exist.

Below is the contents of the src\\Setup-Config\\Release\\BuildLog.htm log, which seems to contain the text of the error.

Thanks in advance for your help.

- Brad



Build Log

Build started: Project: Setup Config, Configuration: Release|Win32

Command Lines

Creating temporary file "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\Release\BAT00001036403756.bat" with contents


@echo off

if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" set COMPRESS=/DCompress

echo Settings some last minute MSI properties...

call "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\\SetMsiProperties.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNet.msi"

if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing MSI ...

call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNet.msi"

rem Ensure that the NSIS stubs have a UAC requireAdministrator manifest

md ..\BuildTools\Stubs

copy ..\BuildTools\Stubs_needManifest\* ..\BuildTools\Stubs\

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\bzip2 ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\bzip2_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\lzma ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\lzma_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\zlib ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

call ..\Manifests\embedManifest.bat ..\BuildTools\Stubs\zlib_solid ..\Manifests\requireAdministrator.xml

echo Making installer ...

..\BuildTools\makensis /DRelease %COMPRESS% MakeSetup.nsi

if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing installer ...

call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNetSetup.exe"

echo Making full installer ...

..\BuildTools\makensis /DFullInstaller %COMPRESS% /DRelease MakeSetup.nsi

if "%SIGNPDN%" == "1" echo Signing full installer ...

call "H:\Paint.net\src\signfile.bat" "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\PaintDotNetWithDotNetSetup.exe"

echo Packaging things up...

set PDNAME=3_0

pushd "H:\Paint.net\src\\Setup\Release\"

copy PaintDotNetSetup.exe PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.exe

"H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -9 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.exe

copy PaintDotNetWithDotNetSetup.exe PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.exe

"H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -9 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.exe

rem "H:\Paint.net\src\\BuildTools\zip" -0 PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_All.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%_WithDotNet.zip PaintDotNet_%PDNAME%.zip


if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError

goto VCEnd


echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Making setup packages ..."

exit 1



Creating command line """h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config\Release\BAT00001036403756.bat"""

Output Window

Making setup packages ...

Settings some last minute MSI properties...

Executing SQL command on PaintDotNet.msi: UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = 'ALL' WHERE Property.Property = 'FolderForm_AllUsers'

A subdirectory or file ..\BuildTools\Stubs already exists.







6 file(s) copied.

Making installer ...

MakeNSIS v2.11 - Copyright 1999-2005 Nullsoft, Inc.

Portions Copyright © 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib).

Portions Copyright © 1996-2002 Julian R Seward (bzip2).

Portions Copyright © 1999-2003 Igor Pavlov (lzma).

Contributors: nnop@newmail.ru, Ryan Geiss, Andras Varga, Drew Davidson, Peter Windridge, Dave Laundon, Robert Rainwater, Yaroslav Faybishenko, Jeff Doozan, Amir Szekely, Ximon Eighteen, et al.

Command line defined: "Release"

Changing directory to: "h:\Paint.net\src\Setup-Config"

Processing script file: "MakeSetup.nsi"

Processing plugin dlls: "h:\Paint.net\src\BuildTools\Plugins\*.dll"

SetCompress: off

Name: "Paint.NET SFX"

InstallDir: "$TEMP\PdnSetup"

SilentInstall: silent

Icon: "..\Resources\Icons\PaintDotNet.ico"

VIAddVersionKey: "ProductName" "Paint.NET Setup"

VIAddVersionKey: "ProductVersion" ""

VIAddVersionKey: "FileVersion" ""

VIAddVersionKey: "LegalCopyright" "Copyright âŒ

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Thanks Rick.

That did it. I downloaded the two packages, and did the following 2 commands to install them:

dotnetfx.exe /T:H://Paint.net//programs//dotnet_2_0//x86 /C

netfx64.exe /T:H://Paint.net//programs//dotnet_2_0//x64 /C

where // is a backslash

Then I rebuilt Paint.NET, and the build succeeded.


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  • 2 years later...

Holy Necrospamming, Batman!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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