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How can I use a grid to precisely place lettering on an image?

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Hi there,


I'm trying to precisely place lettering on an image....


The tricky part is that I have to create 10 images all with different lettering. The image is exactly the same for each but the lettering is different i.e. different headings. And there are two lines of text on each image.....


If it was just one image I would probably use a pixel ruler to manually check the spaces between words etc, but that is very laborious and not easy to do 10 times.


This is what I'm doing:

1. Create the lettering using the Editable Text plugin - two lines of text (see image)


2. Cut out first line of lettering (two words) and position in new layer over the image....and repeat for second line of lettering.


3. Try and line up line of lettering both horizontally and vertically, ensuring same spacing between .....grrrr


EDIT: The critical part is to get EXACT spacing between words.....and make sure the spacing is IDENTICAL on each new image


Please tell me how you would do this and if there are any grids available?





Edited by Greg135
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I don't know... is explaining in user interface...
Add a new layer then run plugin and play around settings.
Then align your text, make grid layer invisible and save as png.
Open a new image then Copy and Paste in new layer in first image and so on.

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I do something similar with product labels for my home business.  All the "common" information is on one layer.  A second layer has horizontal reference lines at the positions where the "variable" text needs to go.  Subsequent layers contain the text for the various product information.  When I need to create a new product, I just add a new layer and type in the info, then select and move it to where the reference lines are.  When everything is in place, turn off the reference line layer.

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