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[Beta 4.0] Cannot paste images copied from Firefox


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I recently updated paint.net to beta 4.0.5168.12074 and I can no longer copy an image in firefox (27.0.1) and paste it into paint.net. (right click-> copy image, open paint.net, paste)


The exact error is "The clipboard doesn't contain an image."


I can copy an image in firefox and paste it fine into Windows 7's paint and GIMP.


I can also copy an image in both Chrome and IE and paste them fine into paint.net.


Attempting to 'Paste into New Image' gives the following error:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at PaintDotNet.Actions.PasteInToNewImageAction.PerformAction(AppWorkspace appWorkspace) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Actions\PasteInToNewImageAction.cs:line 81

Attempting to 'Paste into New Layer' gives the "The clipboard doesn't contain an image." popup.


I disabled all firefox addons yet the problem persists.


If my memory serves me correctly, this most recent update to paint.net has been the start of this issue occuring.

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