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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I made a mug. :)


Thought I'd show it off and the heart. They are both made with the new Shape Maker plugin. The cat was borrowed from another picture. It's made with the ellipse and line tools.


I know what you are really thinking about my choice of colors. Don't wince to hard. :lol:


The link will take you up top.





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Eli, hot cocoa and whipped cream sounds good, but I'm never ready for winter. :TwistEffect: Says its for twist effect, but I think it looks like Droste.


Helen, thank you, tried to make it more believable by putting in some shadows. Not quite huh. :lol:


Thanks for stopping by and commenting.




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  • 1 month later...

That's a mighty impressive looking blanket .......No - it could be a scarf.  I really love what you have done with all those flowers on page 1.  Fabulous :) .

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Red ochre thank you. I made one with Turbulent Lines that has a similar look, but decided to just post just this one.

"Gradients Galore, Don't remember". I made so many different versions of that spiral.

I think besides using dither as part of the texture, I used clouds and emboss. I don't how I got the color. :/


Hello Pixey. Thank you. I would love to curl up in it. I have plenty of photos of the flowers in my yard. I've just started to explore what can be done with them. ;)


Hey Helen. Thank you. Wish I could just knit it up.  My glasses, of course were ruined.I don't know what compelled me to run them through Paint.Net, but it is now a favorite picture. :)


Thank you all for stopping by. :D

Edited by doughty
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Hi, one of my current favorites.

Made with Rainbow Twist Texture, SinWaves and Gossamer.

There are a few more news up top also. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27810-doughty-has-a-few-more-pictures-101615/?p=403967


doughty! I love the texture you put in to this one. Well done. Thank you for the statement.  m4bl2rpg.gif

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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




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"Gradients Galore, Don't remember" is also one of my faves. Your work is so beautiful & varied. Some of those white flowers (freesias?) look like they are under water. So creative! It is such a pleasure to go back through your gallery. I remember those glasses. :D Lovely image. 

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Hello Barbieq, Thank you for all the complements.


The white flower is actually a very light purple. A spring crocus, the very first thing that blooms in my yard.

I named the one you mention Water Crocus. :) It looked like water to me also.I tried to find or make a few little fish but failed to make it look realistic. I made it with MultiSpine, got lucky with that effect.


Thanks for stopping by. :)

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  • 1 year later...

This was a 2AM image posting.

I hadn't posted anything yet this year and I was playing around just checking how this new forum worked here in the pictorium. I had another image posted and I decided to move it to the top of this thread and discovered I couldn't just delete what I had just posted without replacing it with something. So, this was just going to be a place marker. I should know better than to try to do any thinking in the middle of night.:roll:




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Very neat @doughty!  And when you lightly scroll the image back and forth, you get dizzy!  :P   Great job!  rep you when I'm replenished.

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