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paint.net 4.0 alpha build 5105 is now available

Rick Brewster

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The fourth alpha build for paint.net 4.0 is now available! Here's a direct download link if you don't already have a previous alpha build installed: http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/paint.net.4.0.5105.6977.install.zip


Here are the changes and fixes between the previous build (5086) and this one (5105):

  • Added Bezier curve to the Shapes tool
  • Line/Curve shapes weren't working with the rounded line cap styles
  • When opening an image (e.g. JPEG), the EXIF orientation/rotation metadata is now applied
  • Fixed: If you change the resolution from Image->Resolution, the selection measurement info in the status bar will now update
  • Fixed the selection tools not always showing the selection measurement info in the status bar
  • Text Tool: fixed Strikethrough being incorrectly rendered as Underline
  • Text Tool no longer interprets something like Alt+9 as the Home key
  • Fixed some effects leaving an empty progress bar in the status bar
  • Fixed the Magic Wand tool sometimes leaving an animated progress bar in the status bar
  • Move tool no longer resets the "angle" displayed in the status bar when you let go of the mouse, and it's now an absolute angle versus relative to the beginning of the drag operation.
  • Move tools now let you use arrow keys while the mouse button is down. This allows fine precision control over rotations and moves and scales
  • Setup will now install .NET 4.5.1 instead of .NET 4.5
  • Reduced download size by 116KB
  • Fixed the update and language settings not carrying forward from the installer to the application
  • Main window now works in High Contrast mode on Windows 8/8.1
  • Settings dialog can now be accessed with Alt+X
  • Fixed a cosmetic blemish in the Updater dialog (it had a black "footer")
  • Fixed the Language dropdown in Settings sometimes showing up "blank"
  • Fixed a pseudo-crash when using Edit->Paste followed immediately by clicking and dragging
  • Fixed a crash on exit related to Direct2D and WARP


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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Hi, when attempting to save a file in PDN format I get the following error.

It can be easily duplicated by creating a new blank image and hitting the save icon.

System.InvalidOperationException: The object may not be accessed from this thread
   at PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.ControlDispatcher.VerifyAccess() in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\SystemLayer\ControlDispatcher.cs:line 189
   at PaintDotNet.Controls.DocumentWorkspace.InvalidateSelectionInfo() in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Controls\DocumentWorkspace.cs:line 689
   at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at PaintDotNet.Document.InitializeDpu() in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\Document.cs:line 280
   at PaintDotNet.Document.SaveToStream(Stream output, IOEventHandler callback) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\Document.cs:line 1477
   at PaintDotNet.FileType.Save(Document input, Stream output, SaveConfigToken token, Surface scratchSurface, ProgressEventHandler callback, Boolean rememberToken) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 266
   at PaintDotNet.Controls.DocumentWorkspace.<>c__DisplayClass30.<DoSave>b__28() in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Controls\DocumentWorkspace.cs:line 2918
   at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Try(Action f) in D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 171

The OS was Window 7 (x64).




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It can be easily duplicated by creating a new blank image and hitting the save icon.


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I had PdN 4.0 open with an unsaved image and I went to the Gear > Updates > Check Now. I clicked OK and it downloaded this latest build and I waited and waited and the installer never started.

I closed PdN and restarted it. I followed the same instructions and this time it worked fine.

I'm now wondering if it had something to do with the fact that I tried it with an unsaved image open.

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I had PdN 4.0 open with an unsaved image and I went to the Gear > Updates > Check Now. I clicked OK and it downloaded this latest build and I waited and waited and the installer never started.

I closed PdN and restarted it. I followed the same instructions and this time it worked fine.

I'm now wondering if it had something to do with the fact that I tried it with an unsaved image open.


Known issue ... I'll fix it soon :) 

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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The fourth alpha build for paint.net 4.0 is now available! Here's a direct download link if you don't already have a previous alpha build installed: http://www.getpaint.net/files/zip/preview/paint.net.4.0.5105.6977.install.zip


Here are the changes and fixes between the previous build (5086) and this one (5105):

  • Added Bezier curve to the Shapes tool
  • Line/Curve shapes weren't working with the rounded line cap styles
  • When opening an image (e.g. JPEG), the EXIF orientation/rotation metadata is now applied
  • Fixed: If you change the resolution from Image->Resolution, the selection measurement info in the status bar will now update
  • Fixed the selection tools not always showing the selection measurement info in the status bar
  • Text Tool: fixed Strikethrough being incorrectly rendered as Underline
  • Text Tool no longer interprets something like Alt+9 as the Home key
  • Fixed some effects leaving an empty progress bar in the status bar
  • Fixed the Magic Wand tool sometimes leaving an animated progress bar in the status bar
  • Move tool no longer resets the "angle" displayed in the status bar when you let go of the mouse, and it's now an absolute angle versus relative to the beginning of the drag operation.
  • Move tools now let you use arrow keys while the mouse button is down. This allows fine precision control over rotations and moves and scales
  • Setup will now install .NET 4.5.1 instead of .NET 4.5
  • Reduced download size by 116KB
  • Fixed the update and language settings not carrying forward from the installer to the application
  • Main window now works in High Contrast mode on Windows 8/8.1
  • Settings dialog can now be accessed with Alt+X
  • Fixed a cosmetic blemish in the Updater dialog (it had a black "footer")
  • Fixed the Language dropdown in Settings sometimes showing up "blank"
  • Fixed a pseudo-crash when using Edit->Paste followed immediately by clicking and dragging
  • Fixed a crash on exit related to Direct2D and WARP


thank you so much :bertie:

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this is a repost of an older thread, but I think you overlooked this post.

first, thanks a lot for making paint.net.

One bug I find most annoying is that it doesn't remember the window position on startup anymore. Also the tool windows always startup in the corners and not where I dragged them. I like to have the tool windows beside the main window so I can see the whole image. And it's just very annoying to move them to the side on every startup.


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Might have found a bug related to the Magic Wand tool:


- Select an area

- Adjust the tolerance

- Select some other area while holding the Ctrl key to add to the original selection

- Outcome: Ctrl being pressed is ignored, the original selection is discarded


(edit: wait, this doesn't seem to happen all the time?)

Edited by vvye
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One bug I find most annoying is that it doesn't remember the window position on startup anymore. Also the tool windows always startup in the corners and not where I dragged them. I like to have the tool windows beside the main window so I can see the whole image. And it's just very annoying to move them to the side on every startup.


Bug filed!

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Weird one, I tried to update, nothing found. Close the little update window and when I close the settings window... the whole paint.net window hides behind other programs and my browser pops up. Odd?


Doesn't happen when I simply open the settings, browse the sections and hit close. Only after attempted update.


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The plugin "Curve+" is not able to use:


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Curves+.dll
      Effect name: pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.CurvesPlus
      Complete exception message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.EventArgs`1' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Base, Version=4.0.5105.6977, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   in pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.ConfigDialog..ctor()
   in pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.CurvesPlus.CreateConfigDialog()
   in PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffectImpl(Type effectType) 位置 D:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:行号 915
It's so important that I can't use paint.net without this plugin.
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I selected the UI language "Chinese" during installation. It's weird that the UI is Chinese but it's English in setting dialog. And if I select to Chinese, it will require me to restart the PAINT.NET. And if I select English, nothing would happen.

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Scroll wheel in Settings window > Tools doesn't work (Diagnostics does).


Also, I have one feature request. Can you add a confirm message after opening multiple files (without editing) and pressing the program close button.

Edited by jerone
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One feature request. Can you add a confirm message after opening multiple files (without editing) and pressing the program close button.


I will not be adding that.


"Thanks for using paint.net?" Looks fine to me...

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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I have 2 small feature requests that i hope won't be much trouble.


1) This one is simple: to avoid asking for confirmation on closing a modified image when the action performed on it was undone to the point of the last saved one. For example, if you open an image, perform an action, and then undo it, it still marks it as modified.


2) This one is a bit more complex. I'd like the pixel grid to have a pixel scale. The default of 1 px is great when working with tiny images but when you want to align images properly on a larger scale like 64 px, it's just impossible, so its use is fairly limited currently.





I will not be adding that.


"Thanks for using paint.net?" Looks fine to me...


nope, between the two sentences: ".. appreciation and support <?> future development by donating"

Edited by Coornio
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nope, between the two sentences: ".. appreciation and support <?> future development by donating"

Ah, it's not

"You can show your [appreciation and support]"

but rather

"You can [show your appreciation] and [support future development]"

Does that make sense? Support is a verb the way it's currently written, but would be a noun in your version.

The addition of "for" wouldn't make it wrong, but it's not wrong as it is, either.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Ah, it's not

"You can show your [appreciation and support]"

but rather

"You can [show your appreciation] and [support future development]"

Does that make sense?

The addition of "for" wouldn't make it wrong, but it's not wrong as it is, either.


Oh, i read it completely wrong then, nevermind :roll:

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tbh, I can't wait for you to release v4 as soon as possible :)
pardon me, I would like to ask something
-about the name of this software, it is "Paint.NET" or "paint.net"? as last version(3.5.11) using "Paint.NET" and this alpha and also the logo of this forums using "paint.net"
-about use this as default editor on some formats, I still can't get it working on Win8.1, though I can't remember if it worked or not actually on Win7


-I also realize title of window looks smaller (it seems only happen when open image)


-it still make history eventhough tools don't touch canvas. Is that intended behaviour?


thanks :)

Edited by softmaniac
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