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Camera flash effect?

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Hi, I'm not really an artist or good with image manipulations, but I am learning how to create games on my own (using Unity3D currently) and have to create some basic art or animations myself when I can't find it available for free online, and I do that in paint.net.
Right now I'm working on an asteroids clone to further my learning and what I want to do is when the player ship spawns in the game, I want to have a little flash so that it doesn't look as if the ship just appears out of nowhere.
I figured that the closest thing to what I want looks like a camera flash and have been looking for this online but have yet found nothing. I've searched these forums, too, in both Plugins and the tutorials for creations and distortions/modifications but have also come up empty.
There was a plugin for a lens flare effect, but is not what I need, and one plugin that creates glitter/sparks, but that one seems to only work when you have a suitable image to work with, whereas I need something that creates this kind of flash by itself.


So TL;DR I'm looking either for some kind of tool to help me create a camera flash effect, or a tutorial that would explain how to do this and would appreciate it if somebody could point me in the right direction.

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No problem! And thank RedOchre for writing the plugin like a champ :)

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