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TR's Kaboom - V1.0 (Jan 5th 2014)

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TechnoRobbo's Kaboom v1.0

Scatter image from a central point using alpha transparency


Another Plugin based on a SkullBonz Suggestion


Menu: Effects - > Noise





Bye Bye Earthlings



Created with the following Plugins:

Add Noise


TR's ColorizerHMS

TR's Kaboom

TR's Star Filter

TR's FireWorks



Video Turorial

Music by TechnoRobbo


Other ways to destroy the world:

1. Plant a thermo-nuclear device at the earths core.

2. Drink excessive amounts of carbonated soda until global warming is out of control.

3. Elect Simon Cowell Emperor of the Earth

4 Create more mind numbing catch phrases like YOLO and erase the worlds collective intelligence.

(...then we get moose and squirrel)



The VS Source Code



The Plugin

The PluginTRsKaboom.zip

Edited by TechnoRobbo
  • Upvote 2
  • Hugs 1

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Wow,now that is real cool. Thank you TR , I'm going to have fun with this one, well I have fun with all of them,lol.  Your exploding planet looks great but a little bit of Red's Cobweb might be in order also,lol.   ;)       



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I did one using your technique but modified it a bit and used some blurs and came up with this. I think this plugin will work real fine TR. Thanks man,this is great.





A hint; I started with a circle and shapes of clouds and used some blending modes.

Edited by skullbonz



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No planets were harmed in the above image,lol.


I have to speak up about the way people do stars. The sparkle effect would only be visible if you were looking at them through a telescope,a big one.  I make mine as if I am in space looking at them through the windshield of my space ship or floating around waiting for the air to deplete in my space suit,  :)



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Seerose, very nicely Done! 


Skullbonz - Awesome, dude, did you use Zoom blur? I'd post tute if I were u, that's cool.


Between the three of us we can take out the rest of the solar system




The sparkle effect would only be visible if you were looking at them through a telescope,a big one.

I'm looking at 'em like Sandra Bullock in Gravity. Through teary eyes of despair.

Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Thanks TR.  I actually used your kaboom plugin on a cloud shape with colored layers blended,then just used gaussian blur at between 25-35 adjustment,then I used the Bulge plugin on the negative side of adjustment to suck it in. Opposite of what you would think for explode. Then you duplicate a layer,use color Flip/Rotate and then blending modes. The Wobble plugin will also add some squiggles to it if you like them. You could also rotate a duplicate layer a bit to add more body to it. The center is just a copy of a circle of the cloud area on another layer,then centered to where it looks good,then your kaboom,then gaussian blur,then a few layers blended.  I'll do a few more and get the procedure down then I'll try and write a tute for it if people like it. I kind of think outside the box with these plugins so it might be hard to follow.  :)



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Thanks TR.  I actually used your kaboom plugin on a cloud shape with colored layers blended,then just used gaussian blur at between 25-35 adjustment,then I used the Bulge plugin on the negative side of adjustment to suck it in. Opposite of what you would think for explode. Then you duplicate a layer,use color Flip/Rotate and then blending modes. The Wobble plugin will also add some squiggles to it if you like them. You could also rotate a duplicate layer a bit to add more body to it. The center is just a copy of a circle of the cloud area on another layer,then centered to where it looks good,then your kaboom,then gaussian blur,then a few layers blended.  I'll do a few more and get the procedure down then I'll try and write a tute for it if people like it. I kind of think outside the box with these plugins so it might be hard to follow.   :)

love it - burn baby burn......

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  • 7 years later...

TR, I down loaded your Kaboom, Scatter  and Fireworks.... Kaboom and Scatter  had nothing to copy and paste into Paint.net effects, Fireworks did. I really need your Scatter & Kaboom... I had it before I had my Computer fixed. Would very much appreciate your help. I do not know what went wrong.

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@Cakie67 Sadly @TechnoRobbo is no longer on our forum.


You can find his Scatter here:  https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/26685-trs-scatter-plugin-v13/


And Kaboom here:  https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/27691-trs-kaboom-v10-jan-5th-2014/     which is the very last option on his first page and looks like this:






How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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3 hours ago, Cakie67 said:

Now all I need is "Fisheye  in distort, ( not Tr's fisheye) I got that one already


@Cakie67 there are only two Fisheye Plugins and they are both TR's.  Perhaps you are looking for The Reverse Fisheye:  https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/27814-trs-reverse-fisheye-v10/


The Stray Pixel Remover can be found here: 



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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