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i have a question concerning a zip. I have found a white zip which I have attached. I could adapt it for my use. Now I have tried to draw a zip with color #3E373E the whole night without success :-(


This is what I have done (the gray one) but with no success:




This is what I use currently and I find it quite OK but I would need also a zip or one tooth which I can duplicate in color #3E373E



Can anybody help my showing how to do it - I have tried to draw it with the pen but this doesn't work for me.

Thanks a lot for any help - a happy new year and all the best,




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Thanks a lot for the response.

My problem is that I can do basic things with PDN but I don't know how to do this figure so that it looks good (probably this is also basic for you)




My problem is always with the edges.


I would be very thankful if someone could help me with this. 

I would need one tooth to draw the zip and honestly I also don't know how to place the teeth onto a bended line.


Thanks a lot for further help!!!


Edited by Generic1
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Draw a curve with the line/curve tool on a new layer as a guide. On separate layers, arrange each of the teeth along the curve. Right-click and drag to rotate, left-click and drag to move.

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