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Background for PowerPoint - Transparency

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Hi. I am new to paint.net. I am trying to take a picture and make it more transparent. The object is to use it as the background for a Powerpoint presentation. Thus I want the background to just give a hint of the picture and not disturb the content of the sldes.

I have tried using background properties and decreasing the opacity but that does not seem to do anything.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Best Regards


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You should try to search on some Power Point Forum...

I only have a french version so I don't know the correct terms in english.

Open the View Menu (File / Edit / View)

Select the slide master.

Add a rectangle and right-click on it to click the paint bucket.

Set the transparency to 50% and click on the color list box (don't choose background) click on textures then image. Choose the picture.

It works for me. You could adapt the transparency.

Then disactivate the slide master.

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