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TR's SplineMaster v1.4.3+ (a line maker) July 1, 2019

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TechnoRobbo's SplineMaster  ver. 1.4.3+


Free-form (Cardinal) Splines. Draw on an image, on empty layer or use an image as a guide.






The Tutorial Part I - The Basics

(best watched full-screen)


Music by TechnoRobbo


The Tutorial Part II - Advanced Topics

(best watched full-screen)


Music by TechnoRobbo


The Tutorial Part III - Mask Transparency

(best watched full-screen)




1.4.2 includes a Auto-Add Mode check box - uncheck it to avoid accidentally adding a node while trying to move a node

v1.4.1+ adjusted for tablets and different DPI

V1.3.4 Minor Change - Replaced rotation instruction that was missing

Version 1.3.3 adds Mask transparency

Version 1.3.1 fixes Cloning 

Version 1.3.0 - Save , Load and Edit Groups of Spline.

Version 1.1.1 saves settings in between uses during a a session.

Version 1.1.0 [Line Caps (arrows etc.)

Line styles (Dashes & Dots)

Opacity (transparency backwards.)

OK Button applies current spline

fixes "delete background" that I mucked up with last change.]

Version 1.0.3 Fixed the Undo Bug

Version 1.0.1 & 1.0.2

-color picker lets you edit existing color

Checkbox (Closed & Filled) functionality adjusted (Thanks Red Ochre)










Not Nicole



The Plugin





The VS Source Code for Programmers






-- Older version (v1.4.2) --


The VS Source Code



The Plugin




Edited by toe_head2001
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Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Very impressive, very useable and the music on the tutorial video is impressive too! :star:

The custom U.I. is brilliant (nice and big) and I love the tension slider idea. Useful to have the keyboard instructions on the U.I. too. I will use this in preference to 'BeznCurve'!

Suggestion - perhaps you could use prop rules to grey out 'Filled curve' if 'closed curve' is not selected? - or even grey out 'Closed curve' if less than 3 nodes exist? - only a thought.

Many thanks

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Suggestion - perhaps you could use prop rules to grey out 'Filled curve' if 'closed curve' is not selected? - or even grey out 'Closed curve' if less than 3 nodes exist? - only a thought.

Thanks, Red


Those are excellent suggestions - I'm a little under the weather so it may be a few days, but I will definitely implement those ideas.

Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Hi TR,
I like the changes - good work. Nicole seems to have changed slightly too.

One small bug (version 1.0.2 using Pdn 3.5.11):
After running the effect (pressing 'Apply Spline', then 'OK') the effect cannot be undone with the Pdn  'undo arrow'  :Undo: ?

Finding bugs can be a pain - so please leave it till you are feeling better!
May be worth advising users to save their projects before using it though.

Many thanks and get well soon.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Thanks Motto & Barbie



To All,


Uploaded ver 1.1.0 - Adds

  • Line Caps (arrows etc.)
  • Line styles (Dashes & Dots)
  • Opacity (transparency backwards.)
  • OK Button applies current spline
  • fixes "delete background" that I mucked up with last change.
Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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I'm, sorry for the confusion , what I meant is that it "saves settings in between uses during a session". In other words as long as you don't exit PDN it keeps the colors and line widths, opacicy, tension etc.


I am working on an update that will let you export and reload groups of splines so you can make a shape and reuse them later.


It will also let you rotate move and resize splines. But, unfortunately, that is not finished yet.

Edited by TechnoRobbo
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Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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To All,
Here's the Beta Version of version 1.2.1 - Lots of features so I need help trying to break it. Sorry no instructions yet.
Suggestions are welcome.

  • Save and  Load multiple spline as a single drawing
  • ReScaling - so same splines can be used on different resolution
  • Moving 
  • Rotating

 (this link has been updated to current version Look in later posts) 



Edited by TechnoRobbo
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Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Having just played around for a few minutes, I do like the option to edit a previous spline, also the rotation / move / reshape and all the new goodies are an added bonus. I could not break it, so I can only report that this is one powerful tool. Nicely made TR :)

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Hi TR,

Very impressive new functionality.

1. Window size - Ideally a larger window would be better, possibly with a zoom slider. However if this is awkward the current Pan function works perfectly well, so not an issue.
2. When it actually renders it briefly shows checkerboard patterns in the ROIs, which is a bit disconcerting. It renders perfectly after this so not a problem - it's just I've never seen another plugin do this?
3. Import/export works fine but for some reason shows the save/open screen twice each time?
(twice to save and twice to open).

Couldn't break it! - (I'm usually quite good at that). ;)

Good to see the old turkey made it through Thanksgiving! :D - hope you've beaten the 'flu now too.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Motto & Red 

Thanks for trying it out, I'm suprised no bugs have appeared.



1. Window size - Ideally a larger window would be better, possibly with a zoom slider. However if this is awkward the current Pan function works perfectly well, so not an issue.

Red - I would love to make the surface bigger but I'm trying to keep it to 800 X 600 for older machines. Zoomin comprimises resolution so I opted for the Pan and Scan. I should push it to 1024 and see if anyone complains. Good suggestion,





2. When it actually renders it briefly shows checkerboard patterns in the ROIs, which is a bit disconcerting. It renders perfectly after this so not a problem - it's just I've never seen another plugin do this?


Yeah, there's 3 layers that render. Layer 1 is the checker board to compensate for transparent layers. then you see Layer 2. come up which is the working image then finally layer 3 which is the line overlay. You are seeing Layer 1 appear briefly. If your working on a transparent Layer that would be your background as a frame of reference for pan and scan. Not a bug if you upgrade to Windows 7 it may not even be noticed.




3. Import/export works fine but for some reason shows the save/open screen twice each time?

That has annoyed me too , I'm not sure why it does that. I will experiment to see how I can eliminate that. 

Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Red Ochre


Here's some changes based on your comments

  1. Full Screen Plugin  - Still have Pan and scan because I wanted the 1 to 1 pixel ratio.
  2. Fixed Double dialogs - turns out to have been a cut and paste error.


Version 1.2.2 Beta  (this link has been updated to current version Look in later posts) 

Thanks for your insight.


New version was reposted Centering all Controls.

Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Beta Version 1.2.3 

  • Fixes Resizing bugin full screen - (code has been updated look in later posts)
  • Source Code Published -(code has been updated look in later posts)


Future Changes  not yet implemented:

- Rename Splines 

- Universal Transform Scale Size move rotate for all splines in shape 

- Update an edited spline.

Edited by TechnoRobbo

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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A nifty and useful plugin with a nicely designed user interface.


I did notice when stepping through the code in the VS debugger that on exiting, the Render routine is called a whole bunch of times with the code that reads the bitmap from the file being executed. I'm not sure if that's on purpose. I'm a little confused because I don't know exactly what the version of Render with those particular arguments is supposed to do. The Rectangle it receives always seems to be zero size instead of the "region of interest" bounds I'd expect. (I was stepping through an older version, but the Render code for the beta version seems to be the same.)

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